


Dear Customer,

I would like to apologize for the delay in delivering your order. I have looked into the matter and found that it resulted from a problem in our distribution department. We have now resolved this problem and your order has been shipped out today by express delivery at no extra cost to you. You should receive them in 2 days.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience we have caused you and your customers.

Yours sincerely,



Dear customer,

I am the GM of the hotel.I am sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let me thank you for your coming to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite customer.Second,I would like to make an apology to you for our bad service.A few days ago you went to our hotel.When you got there,our waiters didn't help you with the baggage quickly,which you had complained about for many times.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very angry.How can we do that for customers?Now I am glad to tell you that something has been done .

The waiters who were on duty that day have been criticized.They have made a promise that would not happen from now on.So I hope you can forgive us and come to our hotel again.

As we know,customer is the God.If you have any questions or suggestions,please call us anytime anywhere.

Thank you again.



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