


下面是一篇有关霍金(Stephen Hawking)的英语阅读短文:

Stephen Hawking was a famous British physicist, cosmologist, and author. He was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. Despite facing many challenges in his life, he became one of the greatest scientific minds of our time.

At the age of 21, Hawking was diagnosed with a rare and debilitating motor neuron disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This disease gradually paralyzed his entire body, confining him to a wheelchair. Despite his physical limitations, Hawkings mind remained sharp and he continued to make ground-breaking contributions to the field of theoretical physics.

Hawkings most famous work is his theory on black holes. He proposed that black holes can emit radiation, now known as Hawking radiation, and that they eventually evaporate and disappear. This theory challenged the prevailing understanding of black holes and opened up new avenues of research.

In addition to his scientific contributions, Hawking was also known for his popular science books, such as A Brief History of Time. These books aimed to make complex scientific concepts accessible to the general public and inspired many people to become interested in the wonders of the universe.

Despite his physical limitations, Hawking had a great sense of humor and a positive outlook on life. He once said, However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While theres life, there is hope.

Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14, 2018, but his legacy continues to inspire scientists and people around the world. He proved that no disability can hinder the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of the universe.



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