


What is Happiness

Happiness makes you intoxicated and makes you yearn for it. In the world, some people are looking for happiness, some people are creating happiness, and some people miss happiness.

In the early morning of every day, the playground is a seething. There are old people, children, young people, everyone is so crowded together, you look at me, I look at you, although no one knows who, but all show a bright smile. What a warm scene ah! Look. The old people are practicing Taijiquan, over there, some parents are leading their children in exercise, on the track, some young people are running. This is also a kind of happiness.

The hospital, a "abut cry broke the silence," a new life was born. He (she) brought happiness to the family, the mother is holding you, kiss on your forehead. At this point, you are happy, because you have the great love of family. In later days, you will slowly grow up, parents will be raised to you, when you began to shout out "daddy", "mother", surprise to parents, at t








甜蜜mellifluous; sticky; sugary; sugared; candied; honey; fragrant; sweet; happy:甜蜜动听 suavity甜蜜的爱情sweet affection甜蜜的微笑a sweet smile甜蜜的吻a sweet kiss他们的生活很甜蜜。They have a happy life.


The meaning of a happy life may reveal in many aspects,for me,it is something that I can pursuit,something that around me,companies me through my life.

  As a student,my happiness is the ease of school life.I like to play with my friend,to study with my classmates,and be in harmony with them.Outside the class,I often play basketball,doing other sports as well.It always brings me happiness when singing with the classmates during spare time,however,the heavy burden of the study often takes up my time in caring my lovely pets.

  For the happiness in my dream,a great job would be of significant importance.I hope that I can have a house with a garden,where I can relax my tension.When I come back from work,I can see my achievement,knowing that I am living for something,pursuing my dream,and sharing my success with my parents,and I believe,that these are the real happiness.In order to achieve the dream,I will definitely devote myself to study without hesitation,I will wait,and keep work till the day come true.

  Wrapping up my thoughts,it is in my belief,that the real happiness lies in our mind,lies around us.And,it is a good thing that we have a hope,a better tomorrow.


A: Hi, how are you doing today?

B: Im good, thanks. How about you?

A: Im doing well too, thanks for asking. Hey, have you been feeling happy lately?

B: Yeah, actually I have. I feel like Im in a pretty good place in my life right now.

A: Thats great to hear! What makes you so happy?

B: I think its a combination of things. I have a fulfilling job that I enjoy going to every day, and I have a loving family and circle of friends who support me. Plus, I try to take care of myself physically and mentally by exercising regularly and practicing mindfulness.

A: It sounds like youve got a good balance going on. Do you have any tips for staying positive and happy?

B: Definitely. One thing I find helpful is focusing on gratitude - taking time to appreciate the good things in my life instead of dwelling on what I lack. I also try to surround myself with positive people and cut out negativity where I can.

A: Those are great tips, thank you! Its always inspiring to hear when someone is living a happy and fulfilling life.

B: Likewise! I think everyone deserves to be happy, it just takes some effort and self-reflection to get there.

英语对话请看下方具体内容:A: Hi, do you think youre living a happy life?

B: Yes, I think Im living a very happy life. I have a loving family and good friends, and I enjoy my work.

A: Thats great to hear. What do you think is the key to a happy life?

B: I think that having meaningful relationships with others is really important. Spending time with loved ones and friends, and doing things that make you happy can bring a lot of joy.

A: I agree. What about money and material things? Do you think theyre important for happiness?

B: I think having enough money to meet your needs is important, but beyond that, material things have diminishing returns on happiness. I believe experiences and relationships are more valuable than possessions.

A: Thats a good point. What else do you think contributes to a happy life?

B: I think its important to have a sense of purpose and meaning, whether it comes from work, hobbies or volunteering. Its also important to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, through exercise, good nutrition and self-care practices like meditation.

A: Those are all great tips for a happy life. Thanks for sharing!


sweet 甜蜜

honey 宝贝;甜心;甜蜜


sweetheart 爱人;心上人

darling 心爱的人;亲爱的

cherish 珍爱;珍惜

enthusiasm 热情;狂热

rainbow 彩虹;幻想



Where can British people find their ideal spouses?

spouse 是配偶的意思,指夫或妻,用于比较正式的场合。

How do they meet their other halves?

other half,“另一半”,那口子(指自己的配偶),同时也可指代男女朋友。

Quite a lot of people said they meet girlfriends or boyfriends when they are out in a bar or club, or at a party.

boyfriend/girlfriend 男/女朋友,指暂时还没有自进入婚姻殿堂的情侣们。

After a couple are engaged, they usually refer to each other as fiance/fiancee before others.


Sometimes people meet the love of their life at a party or in a pub. the love of your life 一生之爱,一般用于已经结婚的伴侣或是两人关系密切而稳定。

the love of your life 一生之爱,一般用于已经结婚的伴侣或是两人关系密切而稳定。

I met my partner by the matchmaker.

partner 也可用来指自己的另一半。


my wifie/hubby

my Mr./Miss. Right

my lover

my beloved

my sweetheart

my prince/princess

当a couple直呼对方时,英语(论坛)如何表达呢? 可任选请看下方具体内容一种:







Looking for happiness

What is happiness? Some people say that happiness is a feeling. Yeah, but a lot of people can not find the feeling. They are often not aware of themselves at the moment when the happiness, the happiness in a trivial, in sorrow, in fatigue, are silently onto the heart remote places, affixed seal. So when they face the life without work, wasted time, they always saying:" why I am not happy!"

No matter how difficult life, the reality so cruel, we can bear. Because living itself is a kind of happiness.

I found alive, is happiness.

" I am very happy." When I silently repeating the word ten times in my heart, I feel the heart is warm, happy video is really lingering in my ear. Happiness comes, we want to remind yourself: remember this moment! I am very happy. Because happiness is not always around us, only to seize the happiness of the people, to cherish the well-being of the people can experience the happiness brought us endless warmth and happiness.


safe and happy中英两种语言互译,绝不是一对一的萝卜对坑坑。文章不是这样,词汇也不是。“平安”二字,说来简单,但同样不可以以一词来取代都,不然便是以偏概全。不一样语言环境,措词不一。如:祝你一路平安(Wish you a good journey)。本句平安二字从何反映?好像是good,但你决不可以说good便是平安。一切平安无事(All is well),似乎平安又变成了well。基督教中的赞美诗《平安夜》(Silent Night),silent译成平安。还有非常多的例子说明这一点。故此,不一样语境翻译明显不同








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