讲解林肯的小短文(英语)? 亚伯拉罕·林肯,Abraham Lincoln 美国第16任总统Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in 1809 near Hodgenville, Kentucky. In 1828, at 19, he took a boat down the Ohio River to New Orleans. There Li...
亚伯拉罕·林肯,Abraham Lincoln 美国第16任总统Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in 1809 near Hodgenville, Kentucky.
In 1828, at 19, he took a boat down the Ohio River to New Orleans. There Lincoln saw for the first time slaves being sold in the marketplace. At that time Lincoln made up his mind to work to end slavery for the rest of his life.
In 1836, Lincoln became a lawyer and was famous for being hard-working and honest. He believed that the US stood for freedom for all. He wanted to become a Senator . In 1858, Lincoln debated Stephen Douglas who was also a candidate for the Senate from Illinois. The two men made speeches in seven cities, debating the issue of slavery.
Because of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln became known across the country. It was Douglas who was elected to the Senate by a vote of 54 to 46. Lincoln decided to run for president in 1860. Again he ran against Stephen Douglas as well as two other candidates.
Lincoln took the oath of office to become President of the United States on March 4, 1861. It was a difficult time to be president. Many Southern states did not agree with Lincoln about abolishing slavery, or declared that they were not a part of the US. So the famous Civil War began in April, 1861.
Lincoln's Union army fought the Southern Confederate armies. Many soldiers were killed in the battles. One such battle was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In 1863, a ceremony was held to commemorate the dead on the Gettysburg battlefield. Lincoln made a famous speech that has become known as the Gettysburg address.
On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot while attending a play at Ford's Theatre and died on the morning of April 15.
Americans grieved at the loss of their President. Both Lincoln's friends and enemies praised his selflessness and kindly spirit after his death. A train carried his body across the country so that thousands of mourners could pay their respects to Abraham Lincoln one last time. Lincoln is buried in Springfield, Illinois. Americans will long remember President Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States.
干活赔书 林肯的少年时代家境困窘,他每天要花不少时间参与劳动。在空闲时,就抓紧学习,仔细读书。他用木炭在木板上做算术,蘸着自制的黑墨水 练字。到了夜晚,就利用火炉里射出来的亮光看书作文。他读的书,大都是 借来的。有的时候,为借一本书要跑上十几英里的路。
有一次,他向邻村大叔借到一本向往已久的《华盛顿传》,高兴极了。 但这本书却因为屋漏被雨淋湿了。真是乐极生悲,林肯皱着眉头,暗暗思忖:向人家借来这样宝贵的书,目前弄湿了,该咋办,应该如何处理呢?
次日清早,林肯哭丧着脸赶到邻村那位大叔家里,先诚恳地道了歉,马上说:“我没钱赔书,请让我给您干三天活吧!”于是,他拼努力气,在 大叔家劈柴、烧炊,整整忙了三天。这位大叔被林肯诚挚的行动感动了,和 蔼地说:“林肯呀,你可真是个少有的好孩子,为了奖励你,把这本书送给 你吧!”
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