职称论文或专题技术总结的评语怎么写? 1.中心突出,论据较充裕,结构严谨,层次分明,表达能力很强。 2.材料丰富,数据可靠,能运用科学方式进行加工整理。 论文主标题和副标题的例...
【ABSTRACT】With the deepening of the globalization, news has become an important part of information communication between different countries.
Whether English news translation is accurate or not may directly affect the quality of our communication with other countries. In English news report discourse, the use of metaphor expressions become more and more.
Due to English news and other stylistic differences, as well as the English and Chinese languages, ethnic differences in ideology in the process of cross-cultural communication, make the translation of English news,
especially English news translation of metaphor put forward great challenge to translators. So how to translate the metaphor in the English news is the mutual concern problem for translation theorists and practitioners to discuss, therefore,
this paper attempts to from the perspective of Nidas functional equivalence theory to discuss the translation of metaphor in English news.
The application of metaphor in English news makes events more distinct and vivid, and also make it easier for English readers to comprehend and understand the news contents.
However, due to the differences in English and Chinese languages, the use of metaphors in English news increases the difficulty of translation. This article attempts from the perspective of Nidas functional equivalence theory to discuss the translation of metaphor in English news,
in order to make Chinese readers better understand the same response and sense of beauty and meaning of metaphors in English news as the original readers.
metaphor Rhetoric is not simple of translation into Chinese in English news from the literal transformation, although some rhetoric or are totally the same in form and content, while this is just a few.
There are cultural differences in English and Chinese languages, influenced by different cultures. Peoples way of thinking and expression have differences inevitably. When the translator should firstly consciously ponder the intention of the author,
dig the deep meaning hidden behind the metaphor rhetoric of background. Under the functional equivalence theory regard the translator as the guidance, conform to the language habits of the target language readers, make Chinese readers can better understand the translation of metaphor in English news.
KEYWORD:English news; metaphor; functional equivalence theory; translation
发布于:博宇考试网(https://bbs.china-share.com/)>>> 论文栏目(https://bbs.china-share.com/lunwenxiezuo/)
职称论文或专题技术总结的评语怎么写? 1.中心突出,论据较充裕,结构严谨,层次分明,表达能力很强。 2.材料丰富,数据可靠,能运用科学方式进行加工整理。 论文主标题和副标题的例...
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