用英语讲解绿色生活? First, actively learn about low-carbon environmental protection, enhance the awareness of crisis and energy conservation. Second, always pay attention to saving electricity, and turn off the electric lights, computers,...
First, actively learn about low-carbon environmental protection, enhance the awareness of crisis and energy conservation.
Second, always pay attention to saving electricity, and turn off the electric lights, computers, and other electrical equipment conveniently, so that people can turn off electricity.
Third, use less disposable products (wooden chopsticks, paper cups, paper towels, etc.), reduce garbage, classify garbage and recycle resources.
Fourth, reuse paper, print on both sides, send more emails, and protect forests.
5. Bring your own kettle and drink less bottled water; When taking a shower, use a water-saving shower head; Try to economize on tap water.
6. Use environmental protection bags instead of plastic bags when shopping.
Seven, after the phone is charged, put it down, dont make it convenient, and always insist on the charging state of the charger.
Eight, try to choose to walk, ride a bike or take a bus to save energy and reduce emissions. IX.
Students should concentrate on self-study, go to sunny classrooms for self-study during the day, try not to turn on the lights, and the dormitory should be turned off when people walk.
Ten, buy simple packaging of goods, choose green products, green food, advocate green consumption. Multi-purpose, learn to use old things.
The Green Banana《青香蕉》是新编《大学英语》(往年版)第一册中的一篇课文,作者是美国学者Donald Batch elder,摘选自Donald Batchelder 和Elizabeth G. Warner 于1974年编写的 An Experiential Approach to Cross-cultural Education,在原文的基础上略作了更改。
文章讲的是对待世界上各自不同的不一样文化应采用哪种态度的问题。随着国际交往的持续性发展,我们的世界越来越像一个地球村(the global village),各自不同的风格迥异的文化彼此遭遇、碰撞(culture shock),文明当中的冲突大有愈演愈烈之势,如何看待异域文化和文化差异成了值得大家仔细思考的重要问题。本篇文章的作者通过一个小故事,向我们展示了他自己对这个问题的深入思考。
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用英语讲解绿色生活? First, actively learn about low-carbon environmental protection, enhance the awareness of crisis and energy conservation. Second, always pay attention to saving electricity, and turn off the electric lights, computers,...
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