



1、西游记 The Journey to the West

孙悟空 Sun Wukong: Also known as the Monkey King, he is the main character in the novel and a mischievous and intelligent monkey who gains immortality and magical powers through Taoist practices. He accompanies Xuanzang on his pilgrimage to India.

唐僧 Xuanzang: A Buddhist monk who is the main character and leader of the pilgrimage to India. He is humble, patient, and determined to obtain copies of the sutras in order to spread Buddhism in China.

猪八戒 Zhu Bajie: A gluttonous and lazy pig demon who was punished by the gods and forced to serve as Xuanzangs disciple and protector. He is also known as Piggy and has trouble controlling his appetites and desires.

沙悟净 Sha Wujing: A quiet and loyal disciple who is also known as Sandy. He was once a general in heaven but was banished to earth for breaking a vase accidentally.

2、红楼梦 Dream of the Red Chamber

贾宝玉 Jia Baoyu: The protagonist of the novel and the heir to the Jia family. He is a sensitive and artistic young man who is interested in literature, music, and painting.

林黛玉 Lin Daiyu: A beautiful and talented young woman who is Baoyus cousin and love interest. She is melancholic and suffers from a heart disease.

薛宝钗 Xue Baochai: A cousin of Baoyu and Lin Daiyu who is also beautiful and intelligent. She is practical and wise, and becomes Baoyus wife at the end of the novel.

贾母 Jia Mu: Baoyus grandmother who is the head of the Jia family and is well-respected. She is kind and generous, but also a bit traditional and superstitious.

3、水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh

武松 Wu Song: A brave and strong hero who avenges his brothers murder by killing the evil Ximen Qing. He is known for his strength and loyalty to his friends.

林冲 Lin Chong: A brave and skilled warrior who is a former outlaw. He is later pardoned by the government and becomes a general.

曹正 Cao Zheng: A skilled martial artist who is loyal to Lin Chong and helps him fight against the government. He also becomes a general after Lin Chong is killed.

卢俊义 Lu Junyi: A kind and righteous outlaw who leads the group of rebels against the corrupt officials. He is known for his wisdom and leadership skills.

4、三国演义 Romance of the Three Kingdoms

关羽 Guan Yu: A loyal and brave warrior who serves Liu Bei and becomes one of the Five Tiger Generals. He is known for his long beard and his vow of brotherhood with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

刘备 Liu Bei: A compassionate and strategic leader who becomes the emperor of the Shu Han state. He is known for his leadership skills and his relationship with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

曹操 Cao Cao: A cunning and powerful warlord who seeks to unify China under his rule. He is known for his intelligence and strategic abilities.

孙权 Sun Quan: A young and ambitious leader who establishes the Wu state and competes with Cao Cao and Liu Bei for control of China. He is known for his diplomatic skills and his alliance with the strategist Zhou Yu.






首字母:w s




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