


Since I took the Peking Opera class.I know what Beijing Opera is.Beijing opera is the most influential opera in China.The first batch of national intangible cultural heritage


The scene layout pays attention to freehand brushwork, tone to xipi, erhuang mainly, with the accompaniment of huqin and gongs and drums.


Peking Opera, once called pingju, is one of the five major operas in China.

The scene layout pays attention to freehand brushwork, tone to xipi, erhuang mainly, with the accompaniment of huqin and gongs and drums.

Regarded as the quintessence of Chinese culture, Chinese opera tops the list.

Peking Opera travels all over the world, with Beijing as the center and throughout China.

It has become an important medium to introduce and spread traditional Chinese art and culture.

On November 16, 2010, Beijing Opera was listed in the representative list of world intangible cultural heritage.


Mary is my best friend . She is 14 years old ,and from the U.K . She is very like Beijing Opera .

Today,she goes to Beijing Opera Movie theatre . Mary doesnt know how to buy ticket . She asked a well-wisher ,and finally, under the help of Teacher Wang get the ticket .Marie thanked her very much.She thinks that Wang is a good person.


character roles in Beijing Opera:

1. sheng(male roles): (1) laosheng(middle-aged or old men)

(2) xiaosheng(young men)

(3) wusheng(men with martial skills)

2. dan(female roles): (1) qingyi (a woman with a strict moral code)

(2) laodan( an elderly woman)

3. jing(roles with painted faces): (1)wenjing(civilian type)

(2)wujing(warrior type)

4.chou or clown (a comic character ): (1)wenchou(civilian clown)

(2)wuchou(clown with martial skills)


Now let me say something about Beijing Opera. Beijing Opera is very popular in China. It has a history of more than 200 years. During the reign of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing dynasty, Qianlong had a interest in the local opera. In 1790, to celebrate his eightieth birthday, he summoned opera troupes from different places to perform for him in Beijing.

Four famous troupes from Anhui province remained in Beijing after the celebration. In 1828, A Hubei troupe came to Beijing and often performed together with the Anhui troupes. The two types of singing mixed together and gradually a new type came into being known as Beijing Opera. Now is the performance. I hope you will like it.



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