


 there are so many things in your life that you want to get better at, but for some reason you keep falling short of your own (an other’s) expectations. why is that?

  the problem is that we tend to try to better ourselves all at once, rather than concentrate on one important thing at a time, allowing ourselves to build up momentum over months and years. one day at a time turns into a lifetime of change and getting better. we can eventually become a better overall person if we have a day to day plan and stick to it。

  here is how to better yourself, one day at a time。

  1、identify your strengths and weaknesses

  first, to better yourself on a consistent basis, you have to identify your strengths and weaknesses. maybe you are awesome at working out or getting some exercise everyday, but your eating habits need a makeover. the idea here is to look at yourself realistically. only from a realistic outlook can you create new habits and small changes in your life that will eventually stick。

  make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. this will be a great list to use while you better yourself as well as something to look back on after months and years of life changes。

  2、pick a topic to work on

  now that you have a list of things that you are strong and weak at, go through the list and choose one simple thing you want to get better at. i suggest something that won’t take too much effort or time at first. this is because you want to set yourself up for success, at least initially, when it comes to bettering yourself。


I am a quiet girl ,I am 15 years now and I am medium height .I have long hair and I wear a pear of glasses on my nose .I am good at painting and I always dream of going to a college about painting



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