


1. Is the development of technology ,great changes have taken place in China.

2. In this age of Information in the communication, the computer plays an extremely important role.

3. What is known to us is that technology has been developed ever since last century.

4. With the promotion of the policy,technology in China has made great progress.


Studying humanities can help students understand things better andmore clearly.

For example,when a student looks at a painting,you may think toyourself,This is just a painting.But by studying humanities,students willbe able to appreciate what paintings are,and you can see how manyaspects of creation and painting may have far-reaching significance.

Humanities will help students appreciate and discover the meaning ofalmost everything in the world.

In addition,you will be able to find inspiration from randomthings,which will help students get the vibration of those creative cells.

Benefits of the Humanities

In a world full of changes and challenges, we are faced with new problems every day. One of them may be the top concern of high school graduates. If there are two choices: for me, science or humanities, I prefer the latter reason, you may wonder whether I should choose the humanities major.

The reasons can be summarized as follows: the most important thing people quoted One of the reasons is that directly or indirectly majoring in humanities can not only enrich our basic understanding of Persian culture, but also improve peoples insight into daily life, which is very important for us. More importantly, the study of humanities can enable us to have an independent personality and a deeper vision of the world, if not for these two characteristics How can we achieve great goals in this predatory world? First of all, in such a society which emphasizes the depth of thought, it must be the best way to major in humanities. Therefore, in my opinion at least, it is preferable for college students.

If they have the opportunity, we will cultivate an innovative thinking mode in the process. As the saying goes, no innovative thinking mode can solve the problem There is no gate that can not be opened by the innovative thinking mode, and can not be surpassed without the innovative thinking mode of high mountain.



The importance of Humanities

University pressure I see that there are two kinds of pressure on college students today: economic pressure and parental pressure. It's easy to look for rebels everywhere, accusing universities of charging too much and parents pushing their children too far. But there are no rebels.

There are only victims who are under heavy pressure to find jobs for students who are just about to graduate. If I were an employer, I would rather hire graduates with this breadth and curiosity than those who narrowly pursue safety subjects and high scores. I know countless students whose curiosity makes me happy.

I like to listen to their ideas. I don't know whether their grades are a or C. I don't care.

I also like that their country needs them. They will find satisfactory jobs. I tell them to relax.

They can't and can't blame them. They live in a cruel economy. Even if he works part-time in University and works full-time in summer vacation, he can increase loans after graduation and encourage them Going to the world, he has fallen behind.

How can he not feel the pressure of the whole university preparing for this day? The economic pressure and the pressure of parents are very important. The two are deeply integrated poor students. They are trapped in one of the oldest online love, responsibility and guilt parents.

They are trying to guide their children to a safe future, but they are Their sons and daughters want to major in history, classics or philosophy, and have no "practical" value. What's the reward for humanities? To convince these loving parents that the humanities can really give them the ability to learn creative leaders in such fields as history and classics, just business or almost any other field.

science around us英语作文?

1/science around us的释义可以是:


2/science around us的英语作文写作用法和例句是:

We can sometimes join the workshops to learn the practical science around us.



The robot in future最好


In the modern time, the growth of technology is increasingly developed. More and more people don’t use their brains when there is no need to use other instruments. Too much people use technology so that people are lazier and less healthy than before. They rely on technology too much.

Some believe that modern technology shorten the distance of human. For instance, people all use cellphone to call friends or family, or computer to search information, or use QQ, MSN, twitter, blog etc. These modern instruments shorten the distance between human.








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