


Payment is very important to staffs.Because any one of us need money so we could live.If the payment is high,staffs will work hard to get it.On the contrary,staffs will resign frequently.


Today, I would like to share how I manage my money.

I work in a private company. The salary is not much. I have about RMB5000 income per month. I spent around 800 on my food, and another 800 on entertainment. I have to save 400 for my medical assurance.

I have to count every penny by the end of every month and that feels awful. I scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet. The goddamn economic crisis makes it worse. It would be a miracle if I could see the sun rising tomorrow.

How to use my first salary英语作文?

As the a student, I am so eager to graduate quickly and then make living by myself. I want to be independent and return my parents’ love. I am so looking forward to my first salary, when I get it, I will spend it with many purposes.


First, I want to buy some presents to my parents. I am so thankful to my parents, for they taking care of me all the time. Though I was born in an ordinary family, my parents give me all their love. I am so lucky to have them as my parents. So when I get my first salary, I will think of them in the first time. I will buy something they like.


Second, I will buy something for myself. I have so many things want to buy, but I don’t have enough money. Like the new cell phone. My phone has been used for many years and it is out of date, I want to buy a new one. I also want to buy the beautiful dress.


Thinking about I can earn money by myself, I feel so excited. The first salary will be very precious for me.




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