


Washington D. C.

Washington, District of Columbia became the Capital of the United States in 1800.

Government is Washington's main business. Here Congress meets to make laws. Here the highest court in the country convenes - the Supreme Court. One of every three people in Washington works for the US government.There's plenty of work to be done, tool Here in Washington are the busy "main offices" of many government departments like the Post Office and the Treasury.

The library of Congress is one of the world's largest libraries. In the National Archives building, important documents are kept. You can have the thrill of seeing the original Declaration of Independence!

Washington is one of the loveliest capitals in the world.It's a city of wide avenues (one named for every state), green parks, white marble buildings and impressive monuments like

the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials.

Do you want to come and pay a visit?


你好,我是【海角天涯山花浪漫】,很高兴为你解答。相关冬的词汇有:1、winter glove (手套 )2、neckcloth (围巾) 3、winter swimming (冬泳)4、ski (滑雪) 5、Snowflake(雪花) 6、boot (靴子)7、 hat (帽子) 8、cold(冷)9、winter vocation (寒假)10、chill(刺骨) 11、coat外衣12、stove(火炉) 13、fire(火)14、Snowball fight(打雪仗)15、snow plough (扫雪机)16、snow chain (雪地防滑链)汽车在雪地上行驶时用17、snow fence (防雪篱)18、sledge (雪橇)19、hail/hailstone (冰雹)20、frosty (霜冻)扩展资料:哪些和冬日相关的短语:1、 to be on thin icethin ice,薄薄地冰面,这里可以引申为“如履薄冰”的意思“After not showing up for work, Mark is on thin ice with his boss.” 马克先前缺勤,目前看到老板就可以胆战心惊。2、 to break the iceice给人一种冷冷的感觉,根据字面来理解,打破冰面,一般大家用这个说法来表示“打破冷场的局面”。3、 to have a snowball’s chance in hell“I told my friend Mike that he has a snowball’s chance in hell of dating his favorite celebrity.”这里的迈克也是很受伤,因为“to have a snowball’s chance in hell”是“没有一点机会的意思”,不过女神终归没有既然如此那,容易约到,迈克的遭遇也是可以理解。4、 to give someone the cold shoulder这个习语相信不少考生学员都可以总体猜到,甩给别人一个冷冷的肩膀,就表示这个人对别人很不友好或者是某些时候生气了有意或恶意小看某人。更多专业的科普知识,请关注我。假设喜欢我的回答,也请给我赞或转发,你们的鼓励是支持我写下去的动力,谢谢各位考生。


hello everyone!

After reading Snows Red Star Over China recently, I was excited and realized that what can guide a person to pursue light is faith!

Snows language is simple and sincere without too many modifying words. He not only recorded some revolutionary deeds, such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and he long, but also described major historical events, such as the long march. Let us know that although the living environment is very difficult and the living conditions are very difficult, people are still full of passion and high morale! What makes Communists so optimistic? What is supporting them strongly? The answer is faith!


Plastics pollute the environment. Plastics can not decompose in the soil for 50 years and will not be recycled for 50 years. Therefore, the impact of plastics on the environment is very long-term and non-destructive








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