小组合作英语作文100词? Society needs cooperation. Learning English is the same . Language is a kind of tools of communicating with others . The meaning of learning language is to use it .So its not enough to just remember some English word...
Society needs cooperation. Learning English is the same .
Language is a kind of tools of communicating with others . The meaning of learning language is to use it .So its not enough to just remember some English words ,drills and grammar rules . We must use it . We must communicate with others in English . Thats the best way of learning it well ..
In class , a good teacher should create the chance to work together for his students . Only cooperation , the students can share the enjoyness of learning language . Only cooperation , they can feel the happiness of communicating together, It will arouse their hunger for understanding sharing cooperating and knowledge.
Design your class , design cooperating studying . Dont forget to let your students work together in group . You will be surprised at your class ,youll be surprised at your students . You will notice with surprise how much they are hungry for knowledge , how much they love you . Just go on , maybe it will be a surprise in your life
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小组合作英语作文100词? Society needs cooperation. Learning English is the same . Language is a kind of tools of communicating with others . The meaning of learning language is to use it .So its not enough to just remember some English word...
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