1. 文明行为:随手关灯和电器,保护环境和节约能源。不文明行为:随便浪费电力和水源,对环境不负责任。
Civilized behavior: turn off lights and electrical appliances when leaving a room to protect the environment and conserve energy. Uncivilized behavior: recklessly wasting electricity and water resources without responsibly making efforts to protect the environment.2. 文明行为:尊重不一样的文化和信仰背景,不歧视或攻击他人。不文明行为:种族歧视,攻击或嘲笑他人的文化和信仰。
Civilized behavior: respect different cultures and beliefs, and do not discriminate or attack others. Uncivilized behavior: racism, attacking or mocking others cultures and beliefs.
3. 文明行为:保持公共场所的清洁和卫生,妥善处理垃圾。不文明行为:乱扔垃圾和破坏公共财产。
Civilized behavior: keep public places clean and hygienic, and properly dispose of trash. Uncivilized behavior: littering and damaging public property.
4. 文明行为:遵循交通规则和法律,不超速和酒驾。不文明行为:违反交通规则,挑战交通法律,危及其他人的安全。
Civilized behavior: follow traffic rules and laws, do not speed or drive under the influence of alcohol. Uncivilized behavior: violating traffic rules, challenging traffic laws, endangering the safety of others.
5. 文明行为:礼貌待人,尊重长辈和公共服务人员。不文明行为:粗鲁无礼,不尊重他人和服务人员。
Civilized behavior: treat people with courtesy, respect elders and public service personnel. Uncivilized behavior: rude and impolite, disrespecting others and service personnel.
6. 文明行为:尊重他人的隐私和个人信息,不恶意谣言和泄露隐私。不文明行为:恶意传播谣言和揭露他人的隐私。
Civilized behavior: respect others privacy and personal information, do not spread malicious rumors or disclose privacy. Uncivilized behavior: maliciously spreading rumors and exposing others privacy.
7. 文明行为:遵循规则和纪律,不作弊和舞弊。不文明行为:违反规则和纪律,作弊和舞弊以达到自己的目标。
Civilized behavior: abide by rules and discipline, do not cheat or manipulate. Uncivilized behavior: violating rules and discipline, cheating and manipulating to achieve personal goals.
8. 文明行为:愿意帮他人,关心社会公益事业。不文明行为:自私自利,不关心社会和他人的福利。
Civilized behavior: willing to help others, care about social public welfare causes. Uncivilized behavior: being selfish, not caring about the well-being of society and others.
9. 文明行为:崇尚知识和教育,尊重老师和学校环境。不文明行为:无视知识和教育的重要性,不尊重老师和学校环境。
Civilized behavior: admire knowledge and education, respect teachers and the school environment. Uncivilized behavior: ignoring the importance of knowledge and education, disrespecting teachers and the school environment.
10. 文明行为:关心动物保护和环境保护,不虐待和破坏生态环境。不文明行为:虐待动物和破坏生态平衡。
Civilized behavior: caring for animal and environmental protection, not abusing or damaging the ecological environment. Uncivilized behavior: abusing animals and destroying ecological balance.
Etiquette (lǐ yí): Etiquette and ceremony. Such as good manners and diplomatic etiquette.
From Poem Xiaoya Chutz: Sacrifice and sacrifice are staggered, and etiquette and death are limited. In order to respect each other in social activities.
people have established a common and recognized code of conduct in terms of appearance, appearance, manners, ceremonies, manners, etc.
Hello! Hi!是"你好!",见上一面问好经常会用到到。
Goodbye!是"再见!",Good night!道"晚安!"。
考生多日不见上一面,相见问好"How are you?"。
答语经常会用到"I'm fine. Thank you."。
初次认识新朋友,握手问好"Glad to meet you."。
打扰别人问一下题,开口先说"Excuse me."。
别人关心帮你,感谢用语"Thank you."。
致谢用语要牢牢的记在心里,不能忘了,That's OK."没关系。"。
有了过错表歉意,I'm sorry."对不起。"。
客人来访把门开,Please come in."请进来。"。
Sit down, please. "请坐下。"。
Please have some tea . "请喝茶。"。
征求意见和请求,"May I... ?"先开头。
同意许可Yes. / Sure. / Certainly. / OK!别忘了。
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