



A: Hello, my name is Tony.

B: Hi, I am Sarah.

A: Where are you from, Sarah?

B: I am from Australia, and you?

A: I am from China. How old are you?

B: I am ten, and you?

A: I am nine.

A: In which school do you study?

B: No. 10 primary school.

A: Me too. We are in the same school.

A: Its nice to meet you.

B: Its nice to meet you too.

excuse me. what time does the next bus for boston leave?



  it leaves at 8:30.

  在8 点半开车。


  i see. are there any seats available?



  just s moment, please. yes, you can have a seat.



  good. how much is a one-way ticket?



  it’s 38 dollars.

  38 美元。


  all right. here’s 40 dollars.

  好的,这是40 美元。


  here’s your ticket and change.



  thank you. which gate should i go to for the bus?



  go to gate number 2, please.

  请前往2 号站台。


  thank you very much.



  don’t mention it.



Kevin:: So what's your favorite golden oldies?

  Keiko: You mean my favorite song? I don't know. that's like asking me what was my favorite day last year.

  Kevin: Well, let's make it your favorite song from the sixties.

  Keiko: I guess, that's a little easier. No, wait, there's a lot of good songs from the sixties.

  Kevin: Okay, how about your favorite Beatles song from the sixties?

  Keiko: That still give me 10 years to choose from.

  Kevin: All right. How about 1965?

  Keiko: That's better. Wait. I have no idea what songs came out in 1965.

  Kevin: Here, take a look at this top song hits chart from 1965.

  Keiko: Thanks. Oh, okay. This is easy. My favorite Beatle song from 1965 has gotta be "Yesterday.".

  Kevin: Isn't "Yesterday" every Japanese person's favorite Beatle song?

  Keiko: I have no idea. What makes you think that?

Kevin: Well every time I go to a karaoke bar in Japan and look at the song selections, I only find about 3 English songs: "Yesterday", "My Way", and "I Left My Heart in San Francisco"

  Keiko: Oh, that's funny but you're right. My gosh, you must have been to a lot of karaoke bars.

  Kevin: As a matter of fact I have. I swear they all use the same song list book.

  Keiko: By the way, what's your favorite song from 1965?

  Kevin: "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones.

  Keiko: I'm not surprised.


A: Hi, Bob! Im so excited about our next holiday! What are you thinking of giving?

B: Yeah, its been a while since the last holiday, and Im thinking about something special for her. Do you have any suggestions?

A: Sure! Maybe you can give her a surprise gift that she didnt know about. Or you can just choose something that shes always loved.

B: Well, her favorite food is Cantonese food, so Im thinking of making some from scratch for her this time. How about you? What kind of gift do you have in mind?

A: Ive been thinking about making a video of our favorite movies together before we went to college. That would be something special for us.

B: That sounds really cool! Wouldnt it be fun to watch it together during the holiday? Thanks for your suggestion!

A: Youre welcome! And have a great holiday! Happy holidays!

B: Thanks! Happy holidays!

A:Hi,there! What can i help you today?

B:...emmmm...I wanna buy a present for my grandmas birthday.

A:Do you have anything in mind? i suggest thiswoollen carf. its good for old ladies, especially in winter.

B:but thats what i gave her last year.

A:oh,okay.lets find out some thing else.

(C is paasing by)

C:hi,B! what a surprise to meet you here!

B:hey,C! long time no see! hows going?

C:everything is fine! what are you doing here?

B:Im looking for a present for my grandmas birthday and i just cant make up my mind!

C:What did you give her last year?

B:A woollen scarf.

C:Well then, perhaps this year you should bring her a pair of gloves?

B:excellent ideas! Thanks,C!

C:youre welcom~ see ya~


A:so, if you are looking for gloves, ill suggest this one. its warm, durable, and its on sale this week!

B:sounds perfect. ill get it then~

A:25 dollars, please.

B:And would you please gift wrap that?



A:Here you are, sir/madam.

B:Thank you very much.

(B goes to home)

B:Mom! Im back!

D:welcome home, my son!

B:guess what,mom. I just broght a present for grandma.

D:oh, great! waht is it?

B:its a secret~~

(on grandmas birthday party)

B:grandma, this is for you!

(B brings out the gift)

E:oh, my! its such a adorable present! Thank you so much, my dear.

B:I love you grandma.

E:I love you, too.



a:this is Leather Industry Company,may I help you?

b:Yes,I bought a derma bag from one of your sales department not too long ago,but it's broken now,so I wonder if I can return it.

a:I'm so sorry for that,but when did you buy it?

b:About two months ago,at that time,I was very content with the bag although it's a bit expensive.

a:Sorry,the deadline is up,so we can't accept refunding your payment. b:Oh,how unlucky I am,but you should provide me a solution,right?

a:Of course,according our company's rules,we can exchange another new one to you for free,is that Ok?

b:That sounds good,let's make the deal. a:Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.Bye!




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