求一篇80字左右初中英语作文关于做饭的例,anew try英语作文

求一篇80字左右初中英语作文关于做饭的例,anew try英语作文
本文主要针对求一篇80字左右初中英语作文关于做饭的例,anew try英语作文和英语初二比赛作文等几个问题进行详细讲解,大家可以通过阅读这篇文章对求一篇80字左右初中英语作文关于做饭的例有一个初步认识,对于今年数据还未公布且时效性较强或政策频繁变动的内容,也可以通过阅览本文做一个参考了解,希望本篇文章能对你有所帮助。


How To Cook Noodles

Do you like to eat noodles?Do you know how to cook them?Well,That is easy.Now let me teach you.

First,put a deep large pot on the cooker carefully. Boil some water in thepot,and add pork bones to make bone soup.Second,cut up ham,cabbage and green onions finely.Next,cook noodles for 3~5 minutes in the pot when the soup boils.Finally,add the ham,cabbage and green onions lightly.

The delicious noodles are ready!

以A new try为主题的一篇初中英语作文?

It's the beginning of a new term now.Every student is happy about it.Teachers are looking forward to students' progress,and we are expecting good marks.Students start to plan their new terms,I'd like to tell you my plan.

I'll study much harder this term,I will try my best to study well.I will read English every day.I think it's going to help me.I'll ask my teacher for help when I meet some troubles solving Maths problems.I'll take notes on Chinese class.I'll also memorize history a lot.

Of course,I'll spend some time doing sports after school.It's also very important to do exercises.

This is my plan,how about you,my friend?


After the study of the whole semester,I have learnt a lot of things which might be very useful for the future.

For instance,by studying Chinese,I gradually understood the colorful culture of my own country and the fabulous beauty behind the simple words.It makes me feel proud of being a Chinese citizen.Another subject which also impacts me a lot is English.There’s no doubt that English is very important for my study so I have recited a lot of English articles this semester and I feel like learning English more.

I have gained a lot this semester,and I’ll try harder in the future!


我喜欢的运动 My Favorite Sports Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in China. It s my favorite, too. It s a good way of exercise, and it s easy to play. You don t need many skills. I often play table tennis after class. Most of my classmates like it. So we always have partners. But if you want to play well, it s not so easy. You must focus on your gesture, your hands and your steps. I want to be better, so I practice it very often. I have my own teacher to teach me. I work hard on it.


In my memorey,there are a lot of happy things.The most happy thing in my monorey is I play chess with my classmates after class.

After my teacher go out of the class,I quickly put my chess block on my desk.Soon,my friends came towards me.I played very well so that they couldn't defeat me.We sitted,and started to play.We talked and laughed,even didn't see my English teach come into my class.We had to go back to class,but we promised that we would play next time

This is the most happy thing in my monorey.I will never forget it.Because I put my childhood in it.


Recently, I am crazy about the book "outlaws of the marsh".

  As long as I have a free time to take "Water Margin" to see, when going to the toilet, eating time also want to take the sound to listen to the story of water margin. Because the heroic deeds of the heroes in Liangshanpo are really amazing to me.

  In order to save Song Jiang, they robbed the law hall in Jiangzhou. They fought Gaotang state in order to save firewood. They also fought Qingzhou and Huashan. Left countless heroic deeds.

以上就是本文求一篇80字左右初中英语作文关于做饭的例,anew try英语作文的全部内容,关注博宇考试网了解更多关于文求一篇80字左右初中英语作文关于做饭的例,anew try英语作文和英语的相关信息。


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