










重点短语 1.live in

;2.pay phone

;3.take a walk

;4.across from

;5.next to

;6.the beginning of

;7.play the guitar

;8.have fun

;9.take a taxi;

10.go down;

11.kinds of

;12.thanks for;

13.do some homework;

14.take photos;

15.talk on the phone

16.want to ;

17.at night;

18.get out

;19.work for


21.go shopping;

22.a bowl of ;

23.study for;

24.stay at ;

25.summer camp;

26.soap opera

;27.ask about

重要句型 1. Where’s … from? / It is from…;

2. like doing sth;

3. Where is …? / It’s on….;

4. Is there ……? / Yes, there is …../ No, there is not….;5. Why do you like…..? / Because ….; 6. Do you like …..? / Yes, I like it; no, I don’t like it.; 7. …. Want to be a/an …; 8. What dose he do? /he is a/an…; 9. What does he look like? / He has …; 10. What kind of …do you like? / I’d like some …; 11. What did you do on weekend? /I played sports; 12. It’s tome to do sth; 13. Where did you go on …..? / I went to …; 14. Did you go to …? /yes, I went to ..; no, I didn’t go to …; 15. enjoy doing sth ;16. find sb doing sth;17. help sb do sth;18. What do you think of …

交际用语 1. Excuse me; 2. You’re welcome; 3. I hope you have a great trip; 4. Can I help you?; 5. What can I do for you?; 6. 简单的自我讲解

重要语法 1. 地址位置介词的用法;2. 书信格式;3. 目前进行时;4. 大多数情况下过去时;5. 宾语从句;6. 省略句;7. 情态动词Can的用法


1. be from 2. pen pal

3. live in 4. a very interesting country

5. years old 6. the United Kingdom

7. speak English 8. go to the movies

9. write to sb. 10. tell sb. about sth.

11. post office 12. pay phone

13. across from 14. excuse me

15. take/have a walk 16. have fun

17. take a taxi 18. near here = in the neighborhood

19. on Center Street 20. next to…

21. between…and… 22. go straight

23. in front of 24. on the left/ right

25. turn left/right 26. a small house with an interesting garden

27. the beginning of… 28. play games

29. the way to… 30. go down…

31. have a good trip 32. be hungry

33. enjoy doing sth. 34. let sb. do sth.

35. go through 36. kind of

37. want to do sth. 38. South Africa

39. play with 40. be quiet

41. during the day 42. what other animals

43. work with 44. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb

45. in the day / at night 46. get sth. from sb.

47. wear a white uniform 48. go out to dinners

49. like doing sth/ to do sth 50. talk to/with sb.

51. have a job for sb. 52. in a hospital

53. work hard 53. write stories

54.work for a magazine 55. an international school for children of 5-12

56. watch TV 57. TV show

58. read a book 59. wait for

60. at the pool 61. eat dinner

62. a photo of my family 63. take photos

64. play computer games 65. How's it going?

66. on vacation 67. have a good time

68. lie on the beach 69. this group of people

70. look cool 71. in this heat

1.-Where is your pen pal from?

-She's from Japan.

2.-Where does he live?

-He lives in Paris.

3.-What language does she speak?

-She speaks English.

4. Please write and tell me about yourself.

5.-Is there a bank near here?

-Yes, there is. It's on Center Street.

6. The pay phone is across from the library.

7. Just go straight and turn left.

8. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.

9. This is the beginning of the garden tour.

10. Let me tell you the way to my house.

11.I hope you have a good trip.

12. -Why do you want to see the lions?

-Because they are cute.

13. Why does he like koalas?

14. Where are lions from?

15. Lions are from Africa.

16. What animals do you like?

17. What other animals do you like?

18. What do you do? I'm a reporter.

19. What does he/she do? He/She is a doctor.

20. What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.

21. Where do you work? I work in a restaurant

22. I work with people and money.

23. Thieves don't like me.

24.-What's he doing?

-He's reading.

25.-What are you doing?

-I'm watching TV.

26、-Do you want to go to the movies?

-That sounds good. This TV show is boring.

27.-Is Nancy doing homework?

-No, she isn't. She's writing a,letter.

28.-When do you want to go?

-Let's go at six o'clock.

29. What's he waiting for?

30. In the first photo, I'm playing basketball at school.

31. Here's a photo of my family.

32.-How's the weather?

-It's raining.

33.-What's she doing?

-She's cooking.

34. How's it going?

35. Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show.

36. What do you do when it’s raining? I read a book.



3、there be 句型及have/has got 的用法及二者的区别。



6、介词的用法.主要是jn\on\at\in front ofext to\behind 等。



1、 大多数情况下以后时的谓语构成是什么?

2、 不定代词作主语,谓语动词用什么形式?

3、 By train= by bike= by car=

4、 By boat= by plane/ air=

5、 By bus=

6、 对方法状语提问用什么疑问词?

7、 There be 句型的大多数情况下以后时的结构是什么?



10、I am not sure.

11.I don’t know=

12.use sth. to do sth.= =

13.little ,small 的区别是什么?

14.Big .large .great的区别是什么?


16.All year=

17.什么是主系表结构? 联系动词有什么?


19.Rain V. 其形容词形式是?

20.Wind 『c』.其形容词是?


22.Five times a year一般用什么时态?


(1) 做某事怎样?

(2) 有线电视

(3) 手机

(4) 卫星电视

(5) 在以后

(6) 一张纸

(7) 在电脑上

(8) 一支粉笔

(9) 全年

(10) 变暖和

(11) 变冷

(12) 变凉快

(13) 变长

(14) 大雨

(15) 强风

(16) 进行网上在线

(17) 做枯燥的工作

(18) 干重活

(19) 一周三天

(20) 我梦想中的学校

(21) 波涛汹涌的海

1. 单音节adj的比较级的变化口诀


(1)good/well____ (2) bad/badly_____

(3)many /much_____ (4)little________

(5)far______ _________


4. 修饰比较级的程度副词有什么?

5.比较级中that 的用法

6.The +最高级+n.= =





11.hundred, thousand, million的用法


13.Be busy with sth.=



16.Take /give /bring/send/show sb. Sth.=

17.buy/make/cook/mend sb.sth.=


(1) 华东

(2) 在中国东部

(3) 1.5公里长

(4) 在康河河畔

(5) 低山

(6) 在海附近

(7) 在海岸

(8) 你能回答我家作中的一部分问题吗?

(9) 中国的人口是多少?

(10) 在夏季不是很热,在冬季也不是很冷

(11) 因为…….而著名


(1) 擅长于

(2) 骑自行车比跑步更放松

(3) 离开去上学

(4) 每个星期六

(5) 很早到达那儿

(6) 在…… 内部前面

(7) 在…..外部前面

(8) 很迟到达

(9) 了解地听见

(10) 慢慢地和大声对某人讲话

(11) 200多个人

(12) 不少看奥林匹克运动会的游客

(13) 需做某事

(14) 把英语讲的很好

(15) 讲一口流利的英语

(16) 更好地学习英语

(17) 努力工作

(18) 带着某人参观某地

(19) 认真地学习他的词汇表

(20) 大声地播放光盘

(21) 安静地听他的课

(22) adv修饰动词的位置

(23) adj修饰名词的位置



十月革命) 2、新经济政策 3、苏联社会主义现代化及成果 4、巴黎和会(操纵国,本质,对德和约,凡尔赛-华盛顿体系) 5、资本主义世界的经济危机 6、罗斯福新政(突出特点、作用) 7、德意日法西斯对内独裁,对外扩张 8、绥靖政策(结果,目标) 斯大林格勒战役-重要转折点 9、反法西斯同盟成立的标志-联合国家宣言的发表 10、诺曼底登陆,使德处于两面夹击,开辟第二战场 11、二战结束(德、日签署投降书) 12、世界经济霸主-美国 13、信息产业-克林顿时期 14、知识经济,新经济时代 15、欧盟是欧洲地区的政治经济一体化组织 没往下打,这样行么? 你究竟要题还是什么啊?



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