


Huizhou West Lake, located in the eastern part of Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, is a famous tourist attraction in the area. It covers an area of about 70 hectares and is surrounded by green mountains and clear water.

The West Lake is well-known for its beautiful scenery, with its clear waters, lush vegetation, and unique rocks. It is divided into the inner lake and the outer lake, and there are six bridges connecting the two lakes. Among them, the Xianren Bridge is the most famous, with its exquisite design and unique structure. The lake is also surrounded by pavilions, pagodas, gardens, and temples, which add to its charm.

One of the most attractive features of Huizhou West Lake is the lotus pond, which is located in the middle of the lake. In summer, the lotus blossoms are in full bloom, creating a stunning view. Visitors can take a boat ride on the lake to appreciate the lotus flowers up close.

Huizhou West Lake is not only a scenic spot but also a place of cultural significance. There are many historical sites around the lake, including the West Lake Temple, which was built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), and the Huizhou West Lake Museum, which showcases the history and culture of the area.

In addition to the natural beauty and cultural heritage, Huizhou West Lake also offers a range of recreational activities, such as fishing, boating, and hiking. Visitors can also enjoy local delicacies at the many restaurants and food stalls near the lake.

Overall, Huizhou West Lake is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to the area. Its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and abundant recreational activities make it a place that can be enjoyed by all.


1.West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City's historic center. There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but West Lake usually refers to the Hangzhou West Lake. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers.

West Lake is famous for Bai, Yang and Su Causeway.

2.The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad.

3.West Lake is located in the western area of Hangzhou City. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers.

4.The West Lake, located in the western area of Hangzhou's center, is one of the top three lakes in the regions south of the Yangtze River. Because of it, Hangzhou has been acclaimed as “a heaven on earth',since ancient times.


Hangzhou is famous historial and cultural city in China,reputed as one of the seven major ancient capital in the Chinese history. Hangzhou is a picturesque city with many beautiful scenic spots .The West Lake has been China's best-known tourist spot since ancient China .

The West Lake was a lagoon converted from a small bay .Because it is located in the west of Hangzhou,it is called the West Lake .there are hills around the lake on three sides ,and the city proper lies just by the lake on one side .

The history of the West Lake mainly is a history of the lake being silted and dredged .It was made by nature.But great changes took place in its long history .West Lake in all past dynasties was not only for sightseeing but ,more importantly ,for drinking water and the irrigation of farmland.

"The West Lake offers the best sights in the world,whether the tourist is foolish of wise ,He enjoys himself in a greater or lesser degree,nobody can pretend to be a know-all . "

The West Lake ,there are three strange things about it :the Broken Bridge is not broken ,the long Bridge is quite short and the Solitary Hill does not stand solitary .The Broken Bridge is famous not only for its scenery,but also for its beautiful legend of Lady White Snake .It became an important place in Hangzhou's most famous love story.

second ,Precious Stone Hill ,is located on the northern bank of the lake and commands a unique view.Red rocks spread all over the hill and sparkle like diamonds inlaid in the rosy morning or evening .This is how the name of the hill camy by .Baochu Pagoda is one of landmarks of the West Lake and is the first thing that greets one's eyes before one comes close to the West Lake .

The famous ancient proveb :"in Heaven there is Paradise ,on earth Suzhou and Hangzhou"means that Suzhou and Hangzhou were the finest and the most spledid places in the world .The West Lake is a bright pearl on the earth ,although it was endowed by nature.The beautiful view of the West Lake is difficult to capture in writing.It would be made known to the domestic and overseas friends who love the West Lake ardently.

Strange yet is that ,no matter how many times one visits this lake ,one can't get any close to her .Too much heavy-duty embellishment creates a distance of some sort and makes it hard for casual interaction and identifiction.

The West Lake goes too much for extravagance and style and details is the relation between people and the beauty of nature .She has inherited a name of high respect .Every hill ,creek ,pond ,pavilion ,or pagoda has a historial backgrouda of some great significance ,as a result ,everything becomes symbolic.

Can you enjoys her?


The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. Charming West Lake Hangzhou the Four Seasons a paradise on earth with an embedded shining pearl it is that the West Lake. And the beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm (韵味) that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake(西湖十景).

A collection of ten scenic views formed during the Southern Song Dynasty they are distributed around and within the lake and serve to show the charms of the West Lake. Each scene is unique and when taken together are said to present the essence of West Lake scenery and form the core of any West Lake tour. Visitors to the Iake can plan to spend their time viewing the Ten Scene is of the West Lake.



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