


Friends, why do we want to buy second-hand goods, in order to make the best use of everything?My friends, why do we buy second-hand goods, in order to make the best use of resources.


Good evironment is very important to everyone.Its our duty to protect the environment.I think wed better sell our old books.We should turn off the lights when we are not using them.Dont waste water,because water is very important.Also,we can take a cloth bag rather than use Plastic bags when we go shopping.whats more,we shouldnt throw things away if they can be reused ,repaired or recycled.Remember not to use bottle or boxes which people can only use once.Im sue if everyone is doing that,our city will be more and more beautiful.


Second-handed bicycle for sale

To inform anyone may be interested, I am currently owning a used bicycle for sale. This used bike is a blue medium-sized Giant race bicycle I bought just six months before, which is still in good condition so far without any mechanical breakdowns or potential problems due to my careful maintenance. Most impressively, you can shift the gear of it to change the speed anytime


In our daily life it is common for us to pile up so many used books. They have taken up too much room. So it is best for us to deal with them . Different people have different ways to deal with that. Some will throw them away. They think the used books are not worth so much , besides ,they have taken up too much room. Others would like to sell their used books because they think they can use the money for the old books to buy new ones.

In my opinion, we can give away these used books to the children in the distant mountain villages. They are too poor to buy new books and they need these books most.


flea market n. A market, usually held outdoors, where antiques, used household goods, and curios are sold. 跳蚤市场一种设在户外的出售古董、旧家用物品和罕见货物的市场 我们一般将二手货市场称为跳蚤市场,既然如此那,跳蚤市场这个名词的源何而来呢? Second-hand market,大家现在都知道就是二手货市场。

既然如此那,老外将second-hand market称为什么呢?告诉各位考生吧,就是跳蚤市场的直译英语:flea market。flea跳蚤。Market市场。连起来就是跳蚤市场。为什么要把二手货市场称为跳蚤市场呢?原来,早期的英国人常常将自己的旧衣服、旧东西在街上卖,而那些旧的东西里经常会有跳蚤、虱子等小虫子。听上去是不是很吓人啊?渐渐地,大家就将这样卖旧货的地方叫做flea market。而我们中国人呢,也就将直译成了跳蚤市场。感觉是不是很的形象呢?当然目前的跳蚤市场是不会有小虫子产生的,请各位考生一定不能担心,放心去flea market购物吧!



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   ">一篇关于购买二手物品的英语作文       ">写一件旧物的英语作文       ">写一件旧物的英语作文80词       ">二手商品的英语作文   
