




Template 1:

In this article/report, the author presents (topic) and argues that (thesis statement). The authors main points/arguments are (list main points). Finally, the author concludes (conclusion statement).

Template 2:

This article/report discusses (topic) and examines the issue from multiple angles. Firstly, the author explores (main point 1). Secondly, the author discusses (main point 2). Lastly, the author presents (main point 3). The conclusion drawn from this research is (conclusion statement).

Template 3:

The purpose of this article/report is to examine (topic) and provide insights into (thesis statement). Firstly, the author presents (main point 1). Secondly, the author discusses (main point 2). Finally, the author concludes (conclusion statement) based on the evidence presented.

Template 4:

In this article/report, the author analyzes (topic) and provides a detailed analysis of the issue. The author begins with (main point 1) and then moves on to (main point 2). Finally, the author concludes (conclusion statement) based on the evidence presented.

Template 5:

The main focus of this article/report is to investigate (topic) and present the authors findings. Firstly, the author examines (main point 1). Secondly, the author discusses (main point 2). Finally, the author concludes (conclusion statement) based on the evidence presented in the article/report.



The effects of the Global Financial Crisis were first felt in 2023. Stock markets fell sharply around the world. Australia has experienced a period of relative economic prosperity since 2023. Good business practices lessened the effect of the Global Financial Crisis. There has been a surge in mining investment.

The effects of the Global Financial Crisis were first felt in 2023 as a result of a sharp fall in Stock markets around the world. However, Australia has experienced a period of relative economic prosperity in the same period. This can partly be attributed to good business practices as well as a surge in mining investment, which have lessened the effect of the economic downturn.

相比之下,第二段文本提供了更多的信息,同时表达也更为准确。而读完第一段文本后面,你可能会有以下的问题:是不是是股市崩盘致使了全球金融危机?还是说正好相反?第三句句子是不是与第一句自相矛盾?第三句句子中的Good business practices是限于澳大利亚地区,还是涵盖世界其他地区?采矿投资的增多与以前的信息又有哪些关系呢?

之故此,第一段话会让人认为表达得不知道是因为第一段话缺乏了Cohesion,不一样的想法当中的联系不够了解,而第二段话运用了一部分Cohesive Devices,即衔接的方式,来处理了这些问题。Cohesive Devices,衔接方式,指的是可以将文本的不一样部分联系起来的单词和表达方法。例如因果关系、时间先后关系还有比较和对比关系。

除开这个因素不说,第一段文本读起来也有部分重复。Cohesive devices不仅可以减少重复,而且,可以用更少的词语补充更多有用的信息,同时很好地连接文本。


论文更改如何提升Cohesion: 向前指代

我们一定要在写作当中明确指出文章讨论的对象和内容,但是常常重复一样的短语或者单词使文章读起来很乏味。 故此我们需用到cohesive devices来帮我们指代文本。 例如:

人称代词:it, he, she, his, her, they, their etc.

指示代词:this, that, these, those

冠词:a, the

副词:previously, subsequently

举例子:The Australian prime minister has called an early election. The date was selected to coincide with the start of the Olympic Games. This decision was based on the views of his ministerial advisors, who predicted that voter confidence in the government’s policies would be strong at this time. As previously mentioned, decisions on the timing of elections are based on predictions of voter confidence in the existing government.

剖析解读:在这段话里面,the date指的是an early election, this decision指代的是澳大利亚总理发起了早一点选举这项决定;his 指代的是澳大利亚总理;this time指的是奥运会的开幕;而‘As previously mentioned’ 指的是前面所提到的全部有关election的信息。

论文更改如何提升Cohesion: 向后指代

我们常常使用一部分单词和短语来提示读者新的信息。这有助于文章的主要内容从一个点顺利过渡到另一点。这样的单词和短语涵盖: the following, as follows, below, next, subsequently。

举例子:The following dates have been proposed for the forthcoming election: September 8, September 15 and 3 October.

The results of the analysis of voter confidence are shown in Table 1 below.

The next issue to be discussed is the influence of the media on voter confidence in the government.



举例子:‘The government’s election campaign commenced with a media blitz outlining a series of election promises. This beginning to the campaign sparked numerous media commentaries.’




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