


After a semester of hard study and review, we finally ushered in the final exam.

  The day before the final exam, the teacher told us not to play or sleep too late. Prepare to play bravely in the final exam tomorrow.


  After a long night. I finally got the final exam.


  The final exam begins. First, I will take the math test. Although the math is very simple to me, it cant be despised. So once I issue the test paper, I will save the questions carefully, and then carefully answer and check them. Having finished these items, I was so free in my seat that I had to wait for the paper to be collected. After a long wait, the winding bell finally rings. I gave the examination paper to the examiner.

  I feel like a bolt from the blue when I have an answer with someone else. I even got two or three wrong questions, and I immediately thought: dead, this math may not answer the mark. Suddenly, I thought of the bright red fork on the test paper. Think of teachers angry face and parents angry mood. I feel like Ive been knocked down 18 layers of hell.

  Thinking of this, I immediately thought: there are two exams, we must be careful and careful. Try to make up for math.

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