


Musk is a great manufacturer who has always been devoted to the development of cutting edge science. When he was young he made up his mind to set up a company specializing in AI. His efforts were paid off and the company dominated the field for a long time. After that he put himself into the exploration in space.


埃隆·马斯克(英文名Elon Musk)出生于南非,18岁时移民美国。他集工程师,企业家和慈善家各自不同的身份于一身,还是贝宝,空间探索技术公司还有特斯拉汽车三家公司的创始人。


Elon Musk词典伊隆·马斯克互联网马斯克; 埃隆·马斯克; 穆斯克 双语例句 Elon Musk is the chief executive officer of SpaceX. 艾龙·马斯科(Elon Musk)是SpaceX公司的首席执行官。


An amazing thing for me is I sold all Tesla stock before it sunk sharply, because Elon musk sold 4 billion worth of Tesla on TUE and WED. U.S. stocks notched its worst performance last week too, Nasdaq is off 23% below year high, it enters bear territory.

an amazing thing

I am a student.Today is my birthday.An amazing thing happened to me!

It was 9 a.m.I invited friends to my home.They rang the doorbell and I ran to open the door quickly.I opened the door but I couldn't see anybody.I was in surprise.Suddenly,a god appeared in front of me.I was very frightened.To my surprise,he said‘Don't be afraid of me.Today is your birthday.I will satisfy one of your desires.’ I became very happy,but the trouble happened again.I was not sure what I desire to take.

When I hesitated,an old beggar went past my house.She looked very hungry.Suddenly,one idea appeared in my mind.

I rushed towards the god and said loudly‘Please give me some food and money.’He satisfied my desire.Then he disappeared.After a moment,a lot of food and money appeared.They were given to the beggar.The beggar was grateful to me.That time,I was the happiest in my life,because I helped the beggar.

After a moment,my friends came to my home.I said to them what happened just now.They admired me.

Is it an amazing thing?I am really very happy.How about you?



1. 针对失败:“失败是成功之母。”

2. 有关目标: “假设你可以想象出来,既然如此那,你可以达到它。”

3. 有关创新: “创新就是做一部分大家认为不可能的事情。”

4. 有关领导力: “一个好的领导者是可以检验自己的错误,识别问题,派遣最合适的人处理问题的。”

5. 有关风险: “创业就是在高速公路上进行飞行,唯有在你的跑道烧毁后才可以飞得更远。”

6. 针对未来: “让我们行动吧,不要停止前进!”

7. 有关科技: “生产力会带来更多的资本,在未来的蓬勃发展和进步途中,科技将会更加重要。”

8. 有关环保: “我觉得探索太空与拯救地球依然不会矛盾。这二者都可以激发大家的激情。”

9. 针对做事的决心: “面对大部分人的反对意见,要有勇气坚持自己。”

10.有关努力: “当其他人睡觉时,我还在工作,那就是为什么我更成功的因素。”

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)是一位享誉全球的创业家、工程师和企业家,他的思想和观念深受大家的特别要注意关注和瞩目。下面这些内容就是他的一部分经典语录:

“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.”(我觉得普通人也可选择成为非凡之人。)

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”(失败是可以接受的。假设事情没有失败,说明你没有足够创新。)

“I think its very important to have a feedback loop, where youre constantly thinking about what youve done and how you could be doing it better.”(我觉得拥有一个反馈回路很重要,你持续性思考你所做的事情,还有你如何更好地完成它。)

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”(当某件事情足够重要时,就算机会不在你的对面,你也会去做。)

“Great companies are built on great products.”(伟大的公司是建立在伟大的产品之上的。)

“The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur.”(第1个步骤是确认某件事情是可能的,然后可能性就可以产生。)

“Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.”(坚持很重要。除非被迫放弃,不然不要放弃。)

“I think its important to reason from first principles rather than by analogy. The normal way we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy. We are doing this because its like something else that was done, or it is like what other people are doing.”(我觉得从第一原理出发而不是通过类比推理非常的重要。我们平日生活中的常见方法是通过类比推理。我们这样做是因为它类似于其他人所做的,或者是像其他人在做的事情。)

“If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, its not.”(假设你早上起床觉得未来会更好,既然如此那,这将是一个充满无限的美好愿景的一天。不然,就不是。)

“I dont create companies for the sake of creating companies, but to get things done.”(我不是为了创办公司而创办公司,而是为了做成事情而创办公司。)








1. 《Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future》2. 这本书是由美国记者阿什利·万斯撰写的,主要讲述了马斯克的创业历程和他对未来的愿景。马斯克是一个很有远见和创新精神的企业家,他的思想和行动针对现代科技和商业领域都拥有着深远的影响。3. 除了这本书,马斯克还有不少其他的作品和演讲,可以进一步了解他的思想和观念。比如他的TED演讲《The Future Were Building - and Boring》和《Making Life Multi-Planetary》等等。

你好,马斯克推出的书名叫做《从无到有:特斯拉、SpaceX 和一个改变未来的人类》。这本书具体记录了埃隆·马斯克从年轻时期就启动创业具体经历及实际上现宏伟愿景的过程,涵盖创建SpaceX和特斯拉。作者披露了不少马斯克的私人故事,还有他在私人企业和创新方面的挑战和成功。该书对创业、科技和创新感兴趣的人具有很高参考价值。


结束到现在为止,市面上唯有一本相关马斯克的书,在征得了马斯克自己的同意后面,作家阿什利·万斯(Ashlee Vance)创作了一本传记,还在2023年正式出版。这本书的名字为《埃隆-马斯克:特斯拉、SpaceX和对奇妙未来的探索》(Elon Musk: , SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future)。该书从马斯克的童年启动,到Zip2和时代,然后一直到这位创业者在经营特斯拉和SpaceX时所取得的成功,还有初期所碰见的挑战


Nikola Tesla is a serbian-american inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer.


Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in smilian, Croatia, Yugoslavia.


In 1882, shortly after Edison invented direct current, he invented alternating current and produced the world's first alternator.


In 1895, he built generating units for the American nicaraguan power station, which is still one of the world's most famous hydroelectric plants.


In 1897, he made Marconi's theory of radio communication a reality.




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