


Kristen Stewart was born in Los Angeles in 1990, then lived in Colorado for some time, her father was a FOX television producer.

her mother ,was originally a script supervisor from queensland,australia.maroochy,and a screenwriter.she has an older brother.


four。例句:Judith is married with four children.朱迪斯已经结婚,有4个孩子。I am the youngest of four sisters. 我是四姐妹当中最小的。

I am the youngest of four sisters.


The piece has four beats to the bar.


The temperature is plus four degrees.


The flight will take four hours.


The ship spent four days in port.


Four quarters make a whole.


Stewart got off the mark with a four.


There were four messages in my inbox.


She split the class into groups of four.


He cut four thick slices from the loaf.


The bus stopped and four people got on.


A family of four perished in the fire.


We won four zip (4–0).


She bashed out about four books a year.


【翻译】Rod Stewart讲解?

oderick "Rod" David Stewart, born January 10, 1945, is an singer and songwriter born and raised in London, England and currently residing in Epping. He has Scottish and English parentage.With a distinctive, raspy voice, Stewart came to prominence in the late 1960s and early '70s with The Jeff Beck Group and then The Faces and began a solo career in 1969, with his debut album An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down.With his career in its fifth decade, Stewart has achieved numerous hit singles worldwide, most notably in the UK, where he has garnered six consecutive number one albums and his tally of 62 hit singles include 24 that reached the top 10, six of which gained the number one position. It has been estimated that Stewart's album and single sales total more than 250 million,easily earning him a place on the list of best-selling music artists. His biggest-selling song was the 1978 disco hit "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?", which was atypical of his earlier output, marking the beginning of a blatantly commercial era for Stewart, and which actually damaged his credibility amongst many critics and longtime fans.Stewart has remained physically active in recent years, playing in a senior soccer league in Palos Verdes, California and still kicking balls into the audience during concerts. When discussing the rock 'n' roll excesses he has been through in his career, he maintains that his love of playing football has been his saviour. As a fan, he is a well-known supporter of Celtic F.C. which he mentions in his hit "You're in my Heart", and the Scotland national team. Rod is one of only two people to have a seat for life at Celtic Park, the other one being the comedian Billy Connolly. Stewart also follows Manchester United as his English side, and he explains his love affair with both the Celtic and Man U in Frank Woralls book Celtic United. He explains the meaning behind the line " You're Celtic, United, but baby I've decided You're the best team I've ever seen." In appearance, Stewart still maintains his trademark rooster-style haircut.

Rod Stewart于1945年1月10日出生于伦敦,本名Roderick David Stewart。豆沙般的嗓音,桀骜不驯的舞台形象,源源持续性的创作灵感构成了摇滚巨星Rod Stewart。Rod在乐坛经历了三个不一样年代,他的歌路变化从60年代的蓝调与爵士过度到70年的流行摇滚,就算到了80年代,他的新潮表现也不落后于任何其他歌手后面,更没有显出因年龄的限制而限制了歌路的蓬勃发展和进步。Rod于63年加入Five Oimensions乐队,担任口琴伴奏。这个时间段他参与过Hoochie Coo-chie乐队,作过Steampacscet的成员、Long John Baldry的主唱,同时也是Faces的焦点人物。1971年,Rod以专辑《Every Picture Tells A Story》一举成名,这当中《Maggie May》脍炙人口,传唱至今。而当77年的专辑《Foot Loose And Fancy Frce》 一经推出,Rod Stenart的大名便趋家喻户哓之势。这当中《Hot Legs》、《You''re In My Heart》、《You''re Got A Werre》还有《I Was Only Joking》被公觉得超水平之作。马上的《Do Ya Think I''m Sexy》 使Rod在商业成就上冲到了最人流高度聚集。进入九十年代的Rod也不甘寂寞。93全新辑录新歌加精选专集 《Lead Vocalist》经典之作叠出,并显现出与昔不一样的乐曲风格,减少了昔日的Spontanerty。而加重了Pop的成分,因而作品具有更多的价值。Rod曾经说过。他要象足球明星一样在颠峰时期找一个适合的机会“退隐江湖”,可是直至今天,他在乐坛激起的浪潮仍一波紧似一波,这位成功的歌手的音乐生涯正无止境地向前延伸。Orz最好不要用翻译软件谢谢一楼的亲急,明天就要用,唯有今晚了



保罗·斯图尔特(Paul Stewart),1964年10月7日出生于英格兰曼彻斯特,英格兰足球运动员,场上司职中前卫,现目前已经退役,曾效力于英超的利物浦足球俱乐部。



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