

包含情态动词的句子或祈使句 英语作文?

l need time to exercise regularly as can not walk fast easily.I could play

basketball whenIwas at school.Bu

now l may not have the energy to

run for catching the bus foravoiding work late.So lthink l mustsqueeze enough time to take part insports activities to build up a goodbody .Ibelieve lwill be whatlusedto be,healthy and strong

情态动词用在行为动词前,用来表示能力、允许、许诺、可能、一定要、劝告、意愿等概念和态度。常见的情态动词有: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would)。


Can you sing English songs? 你会唱英语歌吗?

Shall we begin now?我们目前就启动吗?

You must obey the school rules.你一定要遵循校规。

You can’t smoke here.你不可以在这里吸烟。

He had to leave.他不可以不离开。

Let us go,will you?让我们去吧,行吗?



The importance of learning English

Nowadays, it’s common to see many colleges even senior schools request all English teaching class. They all would like to increase the teaching quality through this way, and get some support from the society.

In my opinion, the advantage of the all English teaching class improve the international competition of the colleges. As we all know,the English is the international language. Almost it is popular in the everywhere of the world. So if the college adopt the all English teaching can easily help students join into the international society.

While I believe this teaching way contain some weaknesses.For example ,if every college plans to use this kind all English teaching class, where we can find so much qualified teachers. To this point ,I hold the perspective that this all English teaching way is not pratical.



发布于:博宇考试网(https://bbs.china-share.com)>>> 英语作文栏目





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