初中英语作文我最喜欢的衣服,英语作文 我最喜欢的衣服

初中英语作文我最喜欢的衣服,英语作文 我最喜欢的衣服

初中英语作文 我最喜欢的衣服?


My favourite clothes are my school uniform.


It is blue, he can be the blue of the sky, can also be the blue of the sea, he is very tolerant of us.


Wearing it every day can have a good mood feeling, every day can see the blue sky, the vast sea.


After school that moment, all the students are wearing uniforms out of the school gate like the waves of the sea, let a person choppy.

My favorite clothes

I think many girls have a lot of clothes in their clothespresses(衣橱),so do i of course.But in my all clothes,my fovorite one is a pink dress,i like it most is no because its beauty or its price,I like it is because it was the present my mother bought to me.

It was my birthday that day,but I didnt tell my mother,I thought she could remeber. Depressedly,she said nothing to me,and kept doing her houseworks.I stayed in my room the whole day.Until in the evening,my mom knocked my door,I opened,a big birthday cake appeared in front of my eyes.Happy Birthday!surprise!she said,and gave a dress as my present.I was so happy and hug her tightly.

So,everytime i see this dress,i think about that birthday,and i like to wear it though its old,just like mother,as time goes by,she becomes older,but her love to daughter is becoming deeper and deeper.Thats why i like the dress.Do you have any clothes can call back treature memories?






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