


Xiang Yu is a fierce hero in the history of our country. One of the most famous is the battle between Chu and Han. After the failure, in Wujiang. Left a famous sentence of the ages, and so far think of Xiang Yu, refused to cross Jiangdong.


Since the London Olympic Games, as long as a turn on the TV will hear thecheers of the warm, announcer s voice to talk about. Also, no matter where wego, dinner, will be heard a buzz about the Olympics.

On July 30 day and night, it is an exciting moment, Chinese player xue-ying li 58 kg women s weightlifting, with a final grade 246 kg broke theOlympic record held by China s Chen yanqing convincingly won, henan s firstgold medal.

When I see this exciting scene, I excited jumped up from his chair, Ishouted: you are good, I applaud for you, applaud you, you are the best! Myheart can t be calm once in a long excited. Thought, xue-ying li must be veryhard training, her hand, I don t know how much seized by grinding out how manycalluses, also don t know how much flow sweat, more do not know how many tearsflow, can have today s honor is priceless.

I also learned from the Internet, xue-ying li was born in a rural family,parents are ordinary farmers, family is not rich, at ordinary times familyincome depends on farming to feed.

But, in the London Olympic Games, xue-ying li expectations for our henanpeople won the women s weightlifting first gold medal. She is the pride of ourhenan people, but also the pride of our WuGang people.

Finally, I want to take our revenge to xue-ying li said: you are, you areamazing, really fierce!


Ladies and gentlemen:

  We are glad to have such a good chance to visit Hong Kong with our hero Yang Uwei. And I'll take this opportunity to introduce Yang Liwei to all. Mr Yang was born in Suizhong, Liaoning Province. Mr Yang has a happy family, he and his wife with his 8-year-old son. He used to be an excellent pilot with an experience of 1350 hour s flight. Many years ago he had a dream, that is to step on the moon. We are sure that his dream will come true. Yang Liwei is the first astronaut who flew in space in China. We are proud of him!


Online celebrities flood our screen every single hour. Among them , Zhang Yunlei is the most special one,though he may reluctant to be one.

online celebrities:

flood the screen :

Zhang Yunlei, also known as “Er Ye” and “Bian’er Gege” , is a newly rising star in Chinese entertainment industry.

However, different from other pop stars, he attracts people with a traditional Chinese art- Xiangsheng, or Crosstalk.

He is the first one, if not the only one currently, managed to do

entertainment industry:

Zhang Yunlei and Traditional Chinese Art

Though being loved by many because of his Xiangsheng performances, sweet interaction with his parner-Yang jiulang, and great talents in Chinese operas, many new fans begin to know him by such scenes:

Holding and waving green glow sticks, audiences sing Zhang’s first hit - Memories in Qingshui River together.

This is not the only traditional art his fans have learned from him.

They’ve even managed to sing different Chinese operas, such as Qian Kundai(Ping ju opera), Suo Lin nang(Peking opera), and Qin huaijing(SuZhou Pingtan).

Zhang Yunlei , along with other Xiangsheng performers in De Yun She, starts a trend of traditional culture.

Zhang Yunlei and His Reborn

The young performer’s life is not always plain sailing6.

He once left De Yunshe because of his voice change, struggling for a living7 in many places. In August, 往年, he fell off a 10-meter-high platform accidentally8and almost dead.

But what doesn’t kill him, makes him stronger.






1 花木兰是中国古代传说中的一个女英雄,她代替父亲从军,在战场上表现英勇,最后取得了成功。2 花木兰的故事流传至今,不仅仅是中国,也在全世界范围内被广泛传颂和传播。3 花木兰的故事向我们传递了坚韧不拔、勇敢无畏的精神,这也是我们所需的。

1 花木兰是中国传统文化中著名的女英雄之一。2 她为了替父从军,代替父亲参军入伍,历经千辛万苦,最后成功打败敌人,成为众人瞩目标英雄。3 除了在中国文化中广受赞誉外,花木兰也在西方文化中备受推崇,成为一种跨文化的符号。4 英语作文中可以讲解她的故事,她的勇气和毅力,还有她对传统价值观的坚守和尊重。

Hua Mulan is a heroine who took the place of her father and joined the army, described in a famous Chinese poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. It is unknown whether the story has any factual basis. The poem was written during the Northern Wei dynasty,and first recorded in the Musical Records of Old and New from Southern and Northern Dynasties.

According the description of the Ballad of Mulan, the khan of Northern dynasty ordered to recruit for the army to ward off incursions by the Rouran nomads. Her father need to perform obligation.

Howere,her father is so old that he could not bear suffering from the bitterness, and she hasn’t an elder brother to go and fight. So Mulan decided to disguised herself into a man to join the army instead of her father.

Many years later, the battle was over. In view of her military exploit , the Khan of Northern dynasty offered Mulan a high official position, but she turned down the position to return to her family. She made up herself after coming back home. When her former comrades visited her at home, they were shocked to see her dressed as a woman.

Hua Mulan has been highly respected as a filial daughter by the Chinese people for hundreds of years, even though her story might be no more than a legend. In 1998, her story was adapted for an animated cartoon in a Disney amusement center in the United States, to the acclaim of all over the world.








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   介绍项羽的英语作文       往年英雄英语作文       关于民族英雄的英语作文   


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