乔迁喜事英语小作文? Dear Shelly, I'm so glad to hear that you have a house of your own eventually. What a wonderful thing to live in a house with such nice surroundings. Thanks for telling me your new address. It's great to have a chance t...
Dear Shelly,
I'm so glad to hear that you have a house of your own eventually. What a wonderful thing to live in a house with such nice surroundings. Thanks for telling me your new address.
It's great to have a chance to call at your new house. I'm sending you a basket of flowers as a token of my hearty congratulations on changing your residence. I hope you like it and wish everything goes well!
Yours sincerely,
My New Home
I moved in a new house today ,I'm very happy. It has three rooms,two beautifu bedrooms and a bathroom,they are very nice.I love them very much.I put my tidy bear on the bed of the bedrooms.There are a lot of things in them.Such as a desk.a bed.a chair and a dog!I love my new home very much!
I live in a small and quiet villege in the south part of China.our house is near the sea.there is a charming garden in my house.for my mother love growing flowers.you can see many gardens in the street.everytime i come back home,i lost myself in this beautiful place.
发布于:博宇考试网(https://bbs.china-share.com)>>> 祝福语栏目
乔迁喜事英语小作文? Dear Shelly, I'm so glad to hear that you have a house of your own eventually. What a wonderful thing to live in a house with such nice surroundings. Thanks for telling me your new address. It's great to have a chance t...
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