


I don't think Artificial intelligence (AI) can replace even enslave humans in the future. But, perhaps in the future, there will have a lot of IB-mixed creatures that means Intelligence mix Biology, intelligence-humans or intelligence-animals. Humans, machines, and things around them would be in a symbiotic system, liken the food chain they need each other.


Artificial intelligence eventually surpassed humans in the ancient Chinese board game Go as Google's computer program AlphaGo won 3-0 over South Korean Lee Sedol, the world Go champion in the past 10 years, dashing the remaining hopes for reversal in a historic five-game match.


AlphaGo, a computer program developed by Google's London-based AI subsidiary DeepMind, won the third consecutive game in the match with Lee, one of the greatest Go players who has won 18 world championships for 21 years of his professional career.


ai and life发表讲话稿英语作文?

AI and my life

Our life has changed a lot since computers appeared in the world.First we can surf the Internet for some useful information.Second students can exchange study on the Internet.Third people can play computer games to relax themselves.Fourth we can communicate with others by sending e-mails.Finally we can also buy anything we like on the AI.Whats more we can watch any movie on it as we like.In short the Internet has helped us in many ways.


Artificial intelligence butler is an immature plan. My dream is to invent an artificial intelligence butler. It should have the English accent of Britain and all the languages of the world. Then you should know what is the most dangerous and what should not be done.

ai and life发表讲话稿英语作文80词?

AI and my life

Our life has changed a lot since computers appeared in the world.First we can surf the Internet for some useful information.Second students can exchange study on the Internet.Third people can play computer games to relax themselves.Fourth we can communicate with others by sending e-mails.Finally we can also buy anything we like on the AI.Whats more we can watch any movie on it as we like.In short the Internet has helped us in many ways.








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