口语和英语的区别? 口语和英语区别还是有的,第一,口语主要是学习平日生活中的交际能力和表达能力,英语是系统性的学习这一学科的大体知识,例如语法和句式结构和分析。 第二,口语...
B: It's okay, but not as much as I expected.
A: Really? Why not?
B: I thought that the subjects would be easy, and I would have lots of time to play, but actually I have many assignments.
A: What type of assignments are you having problems with?
B: I find my accounting assignments very difficult.
A: Have you considered asking a tutor to help?
B: Hmm, I guess I could. Where would I find one?
A: You can often find them advertising on the notice board in the library.
B: Thanks, I'll go and check that out. Provided I don't get distracted on the way and end up in the gym instead!
A: Ha! Have you joined a sports team?
B: Yes, I'm playing for the university volleyball team.
A: Hey, so am I! Which team are you on?
B: I've joined the university volleyball society, they've put me in the men's league.
A. Ah, I guess that's why I haven't seen you. I'm playing in a mixed league.
B: Cool! That sounds like a nice way to meet some new friends ... maybe even make a new girlfriend ..
A. Actually, now that you mention it, our captian is very pretty!
B: What else are you doing at university apart from studying and playing volleyball?
A. I've also joined the university debating team, we have a competition every month.
B. That sounds like fun. Are there still places open for other people to join?
A. Yes, they're always looking for new people to join.
B. Thanks, that's good to know, I think I'll go and sign up next week.
A. Hey, what time is your next class? I think I have to go now.
B. I'm in no hurry, my next class doesn't start for a couple of hours.
A. Lucky you, enjoying the university life! I'm off now, see you later.B. Enjoy!
B. So, do you want me to go with you the library, we can check out the notices for tutors?
A. Okay, let's go.
发布于:博宇考试网(https://bbs.china-share.com/)>>> 英语口语栏目(https://bbs.china-share.com/yingyukaoshi/yingyukouyu/)
口语和英语的区别? 口语和英语区别还是有的,第一,口语主要是学习平日生活中的交际能力和表达能力,英语是系统性的学习这一学科的大体知识,例如语法和句式结构和分析。 第二,口语...
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