


I took a trip to Beijing with my family during Labour Day. We visited some famous tourist resorts like Tiananmen square and the Great Wall. We ate some special local food. It is really an unforgettable travel.


Travel is a very good means of broadening a person' s perspective. It makes you comeinto contact with different cultures meet people of different colors and go through peculiarrites and ceremonies. Travelling much you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences but also be aware of the vastneof nature. Travel may also relieve person ofboredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasantexperience which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you.

Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. L ater you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. The fheld'shis study nature was his book. Travelers can choose different modes of transportation whichhave advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive.Buses and trains are leexpensive but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable.Ships provide you with comfort unleyou get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle which although slow can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.


LONDON, England. A capital city full of art and history. An important political centre. A huge financial market place.英国,伦敦,一座艺术气息和历史氛围浓郁的都城,一个重要的政治中心,一处巨大的金融市场.Whatever you think about London, visiting as a tourist is very different from living there. Each part of London has its own character. Some parts are richer than others, or more industrial, or have better housing.不管你眼中的伦敦是什么样子,以游客的身份去参观旅游和居住在这里有很大的不一样.伦敦每个地方都各有千秋.有的地方富裕,有的地方偏工业化,有的地方则更合适居住.Let's start with the centre, the "Square Mile". This is the oldest part of London. In the past, this is where all financial business was done. Not many people live here, but 300,000 people work here every day.


Today is the first day of our trip. I set off with excitement and happiness.

We started from our mothers school and came to Nanchang Changbei Airport with laughter and laughter all the way, ready to fly.

Finally, when I boarded the plane, I looked at the plane from the passage at the entrance of the plane.

The plane was really big! Compared with the plane, those of us are like little ants. T

he plane is a monster! The planes I have seen are usually white, but I was a little surprised to see this Universiade plane.

The plane is blue and covered with cartoon patterns.

Some of the patterns are like a rectangular jelly, smiling at us.

Some are like laughing jelly. Look, she is trembling with laughter!


  my trip英语作文60字篇1

  My tirp to Beijing last year .I with my firend went to Beijing last year .We were had a great time .we climbed the Great wall and took photos of stone animals . We ate rost duck and bought some presentsto my parenets .Finaly,I visit the Palace Museum witn my firends.




As we know everyone likes travelling. It can make us relax after working for a long time. Also, it can bring us much happiness and give us more energy. However, not everyone knows the travelling things to pay attention to. Here are some tips.

First, we should prepare well for travelling. For example, we should think about the weather, the ways of transportation, the things we'll take etc.

Second, we had better not go travelling alone. We can go travellinhg with our friends or relatives. Because accidents can happen during the travelling. When we are in need, we can help each other.

Third, we mustn't go to the dangerous places for a trip. It is reported that 百分之80 of the accidents every year happen in those places. So in order to prevent the accidents, we should choose the safer tourist attractions.

In a word, travelling will give us pleasure, however it can also bring us danger. So we must be more careful to deal with it.


IwenttoZhangjiajiethisholiday.Iwenttherewithmyparents.Wetooktheplane.Theweatherwascoolandsunny.Theairwasclean.Wesawbeautifulflowersanddifferenttrees..Weclimbedthemountains.weatedeliciousfood.Wehadagoodtime. 祝你学习进步


I go to a interesting place,there are lots of peopel.I see many beautiful flowers,and there are many animals.I see some tigers,they are very scary.I also see two elephints,they are petty heavy and big.


I want to go to Paris, France tourism, legend theres a fantastic scene.

Paris is the capital and largest city, is also the political and cultural center of France. Paris is also the province, belong to 75 France France island sector. Paris metropolitan area is the largest European will be one. Historically, from all over the world come to Paris of the young people have various dreams and ambitions, here they have dreams, and have had disappointed, however as what lillke has said: Paris is a unique city.








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