平遥家乡英语讲解? Pingyao Ancient City is located in central Shanxi,is a city with 2700 years of history and cultural city,and the same for the second batch of national historical and cultural city of Sichuan Langzhong,Lijiang,Yunnan,Anhui...
Pingyao Ancient City is located in central Shanxi,is a city with 2700 years of history and cultural city,and the same for the second batch of national historical and cultural city of Sichuan Langzhong,Lijiang,Yunnan,Anhui Shexian known as the "best preserved of the four ancient" is currently the only city in the whole success of the world Cultural Heritage ancient town.
Pingyao Ancient City is located in the middle of Shanxi Province. It was built in the period of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty and expanded in 1370. It has a history of more than 2700 years. And it also relatively intact retained the basic town style of Ming and Qing dynasties.
Pingyao Ancient City is located in central Shanxi, is a city with 2700 years of history and cultural city, and the same for the second batch of national historical and cultural city of Sichuan Langzhong, Lijiang, Yunnan, Anhui Shexian known as the "best preserved of the four ancient" is currently the only city in the whole success of the world Cultural Heritage ancient town.了。
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平遥家乡英语讲解? Pingyao Ancient City is located in central Shanxi,is a city with 2700 years of history and cultural city,and the same for the second batch of national historical and cultural city of Sichuan Langzhong,Lijiang,Yunnan,Anhui...
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