


In the modern time, the growth of technology is increasingly developed. More and more people don’t use their brains when there is no need to use other instruments. Too much people use technology so that people are lazier and less healthy than before. They rely on technology too much.

Some believe that modern technology shorten the distance of human. For instance, people all use cellphone to call friends or family, or computer to search information, or use QQ, MSN, twitter, blog etc. These modern instruments shorten the distance between human.


Technology Is Changing Our LivesThe effect of technology in our day-to-day life can be seen or felt almost everywhere. We use mobile phones for communications, we surf the Internet for information, knowledge and entertainment, and we drive our cars to work or take flights to make business travels. We shall always have faith in ourselves, because mankind has almost unlimited potential for creation and self-improvement.


Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better.First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for calculation. As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more


conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in future.

生活中处处有科学 我们经常对科学这一概念作出十分偏狭的理解,仿佛科学是唯有科学家才可以进入的神秘殿堂.实际上,科学不单单是严整的知识点内容与框架体系,也是看问题的正确方式,生活中处处有科学,每一个家长都能有效的帮孩子学科学. 要帮孩子学科学,第一要教孩子学会观察.一个四岁的孩子,假设没有生理缺陷,,感觉器官已经接近成人了,父母这时应该告诉孩子;你有什么感觉器官,都拥有什么用途.我们曾询问过不少孩子;“你清楚你的小鼻子有哪些用吗?”相当大一部分孩子的回答是:“擤鼻涕.”他们不清楚鼻子是嗅觉器官同时还是呼吸器官.这一切,父母都应该及时地告诉孩子,要教会孩子除了看、听之外,还可以综合运用嗅觉、味觉、触觉等渠道去全面地获取信息. 生活中有不少科学情况,如月亮的圆缺、雨后彩虹、磁力情况、水的汽化和结冰、糖和食盐的溶解、铁生锈……我们也许没办法向孩子解释这些情况,但可以引导他们去观察、去探索和发现.例如对孩子说:“朝天空看一看,天空的颜色是不是到处都一样.”假设成人不加以引导,孩子可能对这些情况永远熟视无睹,一点也不感兴趣,稍加引导和指导建议,结果会大明显不同的. 节日、假日,父母能带孩子上公园或是出去玩,将使孩子高兴万分,假设放手让孩子自己随便玩,他们也会玩得很愉快,但这不过是在他们心中拂过一阵轻风,轻风过后很难留下任何痕迹;假设父母认真地加以引导,则能成为孩子观察和学习的好机会.例如上动物园时,父母可以问孩子:“你能发现老虎和豹有不一样吗?”孩子绝对不会走马观花了,他会认真地观察和仔细地比较,通过异中求同一和同中求异的观察,准确地区分老虎和豹.父母同时要及时地用语言详细指导孩子去观察,帮孩子用语言表达他们所看到的动物.孩子的语言很贫乏,特别缺乏形容词,有的时候,说不知道,并非观察不认真而是不会用语言表达.父母应该用语言引导孩子去观察.同时,不可以告诉他们不少相关动物的知识. 在平日生活中,父母可以通过不少小事发现孩子的观察是不是敏锐.例如父母发式、服饰的变换,家里换了一块桌布或窗帘,孩子能不能马上发现,假设孩子一点也不诧异,父母应该更注意培养孩子的观察力. 在家庭里,我们还可以详细指导孩子们去做一部分简单有趣的小实验,严冬,让孩子亲手将一碗水放在室外,亲眼看到水结成了冰.拿一个小塑料袋,让孩子去装空气,使他们清楚在我们周围的空间充满了空气,还可以让孩子做一次深呼吸或是把手放在鼻翼前感受到空气的流通,清楚人和空气的关系.其它如镜子反光,物体沉浮,斜面滚动,在阳光下喷水形成一条人工彩虹等小实验,父母都可以做给孩子看,导致他们的兴趣,促使他们去思考. 我们还可以通过平日生活,教给孩子不少知识.吃鸡蛋时,可以告诉孩子鸡蛋能孵小鸡.看到小猫小狗可以让孩子清楚它们也是胎生的.通过养花,可以使孩子清楚不少相关植物的知识.吃花生时,可以告诉孩子花生长在地底下一粒种子可以不少花生.当孩子扔掉桃核时,可以告诉他:“这是一粒种子!”吃饼干,吃桔子,帮大人摆筷子,都可以成为数数的活动.当你和孩子走到十字路口时,可以告诉他相关红绿灯的知识.当你抱着孩子,让他把信投入邮筒时,可以告诉他:这封信要运用什么途径才可以到达远方亲人的手中.假设父母引导得当甚至一片小小的枫叶,完全就能够使孩子学到不少东西;它可以使孩子出现一种美感,从叶片的对称可以联想到自然界不少事物的对称,可以让孩子数一数有几瓣;它的色彩可以使孩子清楚,树叶依然不会全是绿色,还有特殊与例外……生活中,可以都给孩子的实在是太多了. 星星点点,零零碎碎,随着孩子知识的增多,能有效的帮孩子一步一步挖掘一部分简单的科学概念,如落叶树与常青树,鸟类、鱼类与哺乳动物,还有什么叫植物,什么叫动物等等.掌握并熟悉了概念可以简化信息,活化知识,使知识条理化、系统化. 生活是一切知识的源泉,生活中处处有科学,到处都可以找到知识的水滴.孩子象稚嫩的幼苗,经受不了暴雨滂沱般的灌输,需的恰是这小小的水滴.年轻的父母们,让我们在生活中认真地去发现这些水滴,让它们象涓涓细流,渐渐汇成大川;象蒙蒙春雨,滚滚幼小心灵,愿天下父母,都来做孩子学科学的引路.


Environmental Sciences provides a broad, comprehensive education in the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, math, physics, and social sciences. The discipline involves the study of interactions between human activities and biological and physical environments on all scales, from the local to the global.

ES majors finish their degree with a year-long research project, the senior thesis. Students investigate an environmental issue, design and execute independent research, and present their results in oral and written form. This major is offered by the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management .


Science and technology is not only an important weapon to promote social development, but also a symbol of national progress.

Scientific and technological progress is very important.

First, it can make the industry take a big step forward. Second, it can affect our lives.

Scientific and technological progress can make our lives more colorful.

Finally, it can affect our country, It can make our country richer and stronger, so we should improve our innovation ability and make more and more progress in science and technology


It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life sceience and space science in the 21st century First, scientists will conquer incurable diseases through the transformation of genes


With the same technology they can breed new species of animals and even human life in the laboratory Most important of all, they can decelerate aging and prolong life


Besides, permanent stations will be set up in the moon or other planets or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of the moon and other planets or star




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