交际法手段在英语教学中的应用英文论文? 交际法手段在英语教学中具有非常大的应用价值因为交际法引导学生以语言交际的实用性为学习目标,不仅使学生在英语语言运用方面取得了更多的...
交际法手段在英语教学中是应用广泛的 因素是交际法强调让学生建立在真实情景下的交际体验还培养学生与人交流的能力教学过程更加重视在复杂场景下的语言交流能力发展,而不只是语法结构和单词记忆教学效果很好 英语教育在中国热度持续性,交际法手段的应用给学生提供了更好的体验式语言学习体验机会
Title: The Application of Communicative Approach in English Teaching
Abstract: Communicative approach is a widely used teaching method in English language teaching. This paper aims to explore the application of communicative approach in English teaching, focusing on the use of communicative strategies and techniques in classroom instruction. The paper first introduces the concept and principles of communicative approach, and then discusses the advantages and challenges of using communicative approach in English teaching. Finally, the paper provides some practical suggestions for English teachers to apply communicative approach in their teaching practice.
Keywords: communicative approach, English teaching, communicative strategies, classroom instruction
Communicative approach is a teaching method that emphasizes the use of language for communication and interaction. It is a student-centered approach that focuses on the learners’ needs and interests, and aims to develop their communicative competence in the target language. In recent years, communicative approach has become a popular teaching method in English language teaching, and has been widely used in classroom instruction. This paper aims to explore the application of communicative approach in English teaching, and provide some practical suggestions for English teachers to apply communicative approach in their teaching practice.
Concept and Principles of Communicative Approach
Communicative approach is based on the communicative competence theory proposed by Hymes (1972), which emphasizes the importance of using language for communication and interaction. According to communicative approach, language learning should focus on the learners’ ability to use language in real-life situations, rather than on their ability to memorize grammar rules and vocabulary. The principles of communicative approach include learner-centeredness, communicative competence, authenticity, and task-based learning.
Advantages and Challenges of Using Communicative Approach in English Teaching
The advantages of using communicative approach in English teaching include promoting learners’ communicative competence, enhancing learners’ motivation and interest in learning, and providing learners with opportunities to use language in real-life situations. However, there are also some challenges in using communicative approach in English teaching, such as the difficulty of designing communicative activities that are both meaningful and challenging, and the challenge of assessing learners’ communicative competence.
Application of Communicative Approach in English Teaching
To apply communicative approach in English teaching, English teachers can use a variety of communicative strategies and techniques in classroom instruction. These strategies and techniques include role-play, group discussion, debate, problem-solving, and project-based learning. English teachers should also provide learners with authentic materials and real-life situations to practice their language skills. In addition, English teachers should encourage learners to use language in a communicative way, and provide them with feedback and correction to improve their language proficiency.
Communicative approach is a student-centered teaching method that emphasizes the use of language for communication and interaction. It has become a popular teaching method in English language teaching, and has been widely used in classroom instruction. English teachers can apply communicative approach in their teaching practice by using a variety of communicative strategies and techniques, providing learners with authentic materials and real-life situations, and encouraging learners to use language in a communicative way.
4、[关键词]或主题词:[关键词]是从论文的题名、提要和文章主体中选取出来的是对表达论文的中心内容有本质意义的词汇。[关键词]是用作机系统标引论文内容特点的词语,方便信息系统汇集,精选整理提供读者检索。 每篇论文大多数情况下选取3-8个词汇作为[关键词],另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。
(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言大多数情况下要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目标和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要语句虽然短小简洁,但表达能力却非常丰富、紧扣主题。
〈2)论文文章主体:文章主体是论文的主体,文章主体应涵盖论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分涵盖以下内容:
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交际法手段在英语教学中的应用英文论文? 交际法手段在英语教学中具有非常大的应用价值因为交际法引导学生以语言交际的实用性为学习目标,不仅使学生在英语语言运用方面取得了更多的...
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