


Dear Me,

I am writing this letter to you to tell you that how you will look like in 2 years time.

I expect you to graduate from high school and enter a goo university. You will get a girl friend and have fun and study together to a college degree. You will also have more pubic hair and a stronger body. Keeping regular excercise is a good way to have a healthy body and mind. I hope you can be consistent and keep up your good work not to mention all the bullshit you had produced

Yours sincerely self

the present ME


I am Linda Wang from Beijing. I am a middle school student. My school is Bejing No.35 Middle School, which is located in Xicheng District of the city. I enjoy my school life very much and have many friends in the school. I have kept good academic records and I like the English class most.


1. 亲爱的2022年的自己,你好!2. 你的英语水平一定更优秀了,因为你一定会持续性地学习和提升。3. 在未来的日子里,你一定会有更多的机会和外国人交流和沟通,这是你提升英语水平的好机会。4. 你也一定会有更多的机会去旅行,去学习,去实践,将英语运用到生活中的方方面面。5. 未来的你,一定会感谢目前的你持续性地坚持练习英语,持续性地提升自己。6. 期望未来的你,可以成为一个流利的英语使用者,可以自信地和任何人交流沟通,甚至在全球范围内都可以发挥自己的才华。7. 加油,我的未来自己!

1 明确结论:写给2022年的自己英语作文是很有必要的2 解释原因:英语是一种全球通用的语言,掌握并熟悉英语能力可以带来无限的机会和收益。未来的你也许需和外国人交流工作、旅游或者学习,故此,早一点准备英语能力很重要。3 内容延伸:在作文中可以提到详细的学习计划,例如可以规定每天背诵一篇文章,练习写作技巧。还可以提到利用各自不同的资源,如英语电影、英语歌曲、英语新闻等来提升英语能力。同时,也要注重口语训练,可以参与英语角、找外教或者参与英语口语比赛等。相信通过持续性地努力和坚持,你一定可在2022年有更出色的英语表现!

Dear 2022 Me,

Its amazing to think that it has already been a year since I wrote this letter to you. I hope that this letter finds you well, healthy, and happy. As you read this, remember the goals you set for yourself and the dreams you hope to achieve.

As you enter the new year, I encourage you to continue to challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone, and pursue your passions. Remember to stay focused and work hard, but also take the time to rest and recharge.

Dont forget to appreciate the little things in life and the people around you. Cherish every moment and create memories that you will treasure for a lifetime.

Im excited to see what the future holds for you, and I believe that with hard work, determination, and a positive attitude, you will achieve your goals and make 2022 a year to remember.

Best wishes, Your 2021 self


Maybe ten years Later,I was became a chinese teacher,Because I love the culture of China,I like students,so,I will try my best to teacher all the students。


I was in the hospital for two weeks after the operation. I felt pretty sick but now Im back home and this morning I woke up feeling right as rain for the first time in years.


I live in the countryside. There are many trees and flowers in it. People can get on well with each other. There are a lot of vegetables and fruit in the countryside.The sky is blue. The water is clean. The birds are singing in the trees. The birds makes us happy. We can play in the field as well.



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   ">关于我自己的英语作文       ">写一篇关于自己基本信息的英语作文带翻译       ">写一篇关于自己基本信息的英语作文       ">两年后的我英语作文   
