




to spent the summer vacationCelia:Hey~Allison,it's me,


're so pretty today!嘿`是我,你今天给人的印象很不错哦!Allison:Oh~thanks,


time on see,You know, It's been a long time since your last




are you ,Allison?好的,你怎么样?Allison:I'm cool.我很好.Celia:How about your campus ?你的学校如何?Allison:Er...upstate,for


of trees,animals.呃。。在北部,一所女生学校,有不少树和动物。Celia:Supposed to be real nice.似乎很不错哦。Allison:Have you got any idea where you would like to go this summer?你打算今年夏天去哪儿休假?Celia:I was thinking I might travel to


know,that's a city I have always wanted to see.我想,我应该会去杭州。你清楚的,我一直打算去杭州度假。Allison:Well, Hangzhou is certainly a great attraction. But, in all honesty, I don't think it's a good idea to travel south in summer. It can be very hot.嗯,杭州当然是一个风景宜人的地方。但老实说,我不觉得暑假去南方旅游是个好主意。那里会超热的。Celia:Oh… you are probably right. Where would you suggest?哦。。你说的也挺对。那你有哪些建议?Allison:What about a visit to Yantai in Shangdong province? Yantai is a beautiful city by the sea. The beaches are lovely and the weather is really pleasant. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself there.去山东的烟台怎么样?烟台是个很美丽的靠海城市。海滩阳光明媚风和日丽。我想你在那里一定玩得很过隐。Celia:But if I spend all the time on the beaches, I may get bored.但要整个暑假都呆在海滩,我可能会认为闷。Allison:Well, Yes. But there are many other places to visit nearby. For instance, you can take a boat trip to Changdao to visit the island. You can also make a day tour to Penglai where the Eight immortals were said to have stayed and launched the trip across the sea.嗯,这样,但那里有不少其他地才可以去参观的。比如,你可以坐船去长岛观光岛屿。也可去蓬莱一日游,那是传说中八仙过海的地方呢。Celia:Oh, how interesting! I may have a chance to become an immortal myself.哇,这么有趣!我可能也有机会变成神仙哦。Allison:


fantastic!哈哈。。听起来太神幻了!Celia:Thank you ,Allison,your idea is very good.谢谢你,你的主意太好了。

1。Listen to yourself-聆听自己的表达

2。Slow down-有话慢慢说

3。Picture it-头脑中的画面感表达时,请在头脑中想出你要说内容的主题词,紧跟着自己的主题词,一定程度上地展开句子还有有关表达,而不是信手拈来地胡乱说话。 例如,你在说travel,你可以想到relax,with friends,new experience等,让自己的表达丰富起来。

4。Copy others-模仿 ? 母语为英语的说话者自然是最好的模仿对象。因为这个原因,要关注英文电影、英文广播,美剧等,多听听他们的发音,当在看时,还需要看他们的口形。


6。Find a partner-找到伙伴

7。Sing a song-学唱英文歌唱歌练英文一直以来是一种很好的办法,因为歌词中能有效的帮我们扩展词汇,还自己喜欢的歌曲,也可给我们带来好的心情,自然记起来很轻松和开心。 此外唱歌学英文也促进我们连贯性的练习,因为歌词前后衔接性很强。


internet plays an important role in my daily life. But it has both positive and negative points.

We use internet to search stuff we cannot find in books. We use internet to download musics and movies. Sometimes I use internet to watch videos online because they are free. I chat with people on QQ and MSN because phone calls need money. Internet is fast and it's safe. People live in two different places can write emails instead of writing letters. I used to write emails to my friend because letters need a long time to be delivered but email is fast, just in a second.

If my internet get cut off one day, I will be totally freak out because I need internet very much. This is the negative points. Internet makes people to rely on it. If a day without it, life will be hard to run. There are bad sources on internet, like sex, violence, money. Some people use internet to play tricks on you so you will lose your money.

As a result, internet is a good tool, but you also need to get rid of it sometimes.


Labor Education Labor education is an important part of our school education. By participating in labor, we can gra_

Before we grow up and leave home one day, we need to learn many life skills. So the labour education is very important for us.

Last week, we had a labour education activity. On Monday morning, our class took a bus to the labour practice base. On Tuesday we attended the lectures given by model workers. On

Labor Education is an indispensable part of our school education. It aims to cultivate students work ethic and the value of labor, which is crucial for their future development.

Through labor education, students can learn to respect work, understand the joy it brings, and appreciate the effort of those who work hard. Students are encouraged to work together and help each other to complete tasks, which enhances their teamwork spirit. As a result, they can develop a sense of responsibility and gain valuable life skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.



It is reported that Labor Education has been included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think it’s important. We can learn some life skills and form good habits. They both will help us a lot in the future.




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