


1. 问候和讲解自己:

- Hello! My name is [your name]. Nice to meet you.

- Hi there! Im [your name]. Whats your name?

- How are you doing today? Im doing well, thank you. And you?

2. 询问对方的兴趣爱好:

- What do you like to do in your free time?

- Do you have any hobbies or interests?

- What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

3. 谈论旅行和经历:

- Have you traveled anywhere interesting recently?

- Where is your favorite place to visit in the world?

- Whats the most exciting thing youve ever done?

4. 讨论食物和美食:

- What do you like to eat for breakfast?

- Are you a fan of spicy food?

- Have you tried any new restaurants lately that you really enjoyed?

5. 谈论工作和职业:

- What do you do for a living?

- What kind of work do you enjoy doing the most?

- Have you had any interesting job experiences recently?

1 有不少可以选择2 因为英语是国际通用语言,口语水平针对不少人来说很重要。因为这个原因市面上有不少,如口语考试教材、外教课程、语音纠错软件和在线英语口语社交平台等。这些材料能有效的帮提升口语水平,同时也可提高语感和听力能力。3 此外假设想提升口语能力,不少人可以通过看英文电影、听英文歌或者阅读英文作品来延伸自己的英语材料。这些内容可以让人更好地了解英语语境和文化背景,有助于提升口语表达的自然度和流畅度。

hat’s up? 有哪些事

I’m new here. 我是新来的

How are you doing. 你好

How have you been? 近来好吗?

What have you been doing? 近来在忙些什么

How is your business? 工作进展如何

How are your studies? 学习怎么样

What makes you so busy? 你为什么如此忙碌

Are you going to study English? 你要学英语吗

How about going shopping? 去逛商店如何

How long have you been studing English? 你学英语有多久了

Do you have trouble saying English? 你说英语有困难吗

Tell me something about yourself. 请告诉我一部分相关你的事

What are you doing ? 你在干什么?

Where are you going to do? 你要去做什么

Are you majoring in English? 你学的是英语专业吗?

How long have you been here? 你在这儿多久了?

How long have you been waiting for me? 你等我多久了

Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

How long doer it take to get there? 到那儿要多长时间

How far is it from here to your school? 从这儿到你的学校有多远

How soon can you come here? 你能多快来这里

Do you have to study late ? 你一定要学习到很晚吗?

  I am a student.I have to go to school fromMonday to Friday.I go to school at seven o’clock in the morning.

We have four classes.We study Chinese,Maths,Englis and other subjects.

In the afternoon,we usually have two classes.

I often come home at six in the afternoon.After supper,I always do my homework.

I can have days-off on the weekends.



Hello,Everyone.I studied in NanJing University and my major is Landscape Design. Four-years-study offers me the chance to develop my academic and practical capabilities, for example, news planning and reporting.


Im a senior from NancJing University. Im a huge fan of reading. Books never fail to fascinate me and never cease to surprise me. I am so obsessed with Shakespeares novels, so I determined to learn English well.


1 需带居民身份证、准考证、2B铅笔、橡皮擦、黑色签字笔、口语考试成绩单和免冠照片等材料。2 这些物品是参与考试所一定要的,居民身份证和准考证用于验证学员身份,2B铅笔和橡皮擦是学员在内容框中填写题目作答卡和更正答案的必要工具,黑色签字笔是用于签名的,考试成绩单和免冠照片则是备用材料。3 学员还要有认真阅读考试规则和要求,遵循考场纪律,做好临近考试前准备,保证口试顺利进行。






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