

英语作文我的偶像 50个单词 五~六年级?

1 我的偶像是我的父母2 因为父母是给我生命的人,他们在我成长中扮演着重要的角色,他们的爱和关心是我成长的基石,我不管具体是在什么时候都会因为他们的支持而感到安心和自信3 他们不单单是我的榜样,也是我学习英文的动力,我想要及时成为一个优秀的人,让他们感到骄傲和满意。我会好好学习,做个勤奋聪明的孩子。

1 我的偶像是蔡徐坤。2 因为他不单单是一名优秀的歌手和舞者,还有着积极向上、努力拼搏的精神和正能量的态度,深受各位年轻人的喜爱和追捧。3 作为一名学生,我要向他学习勇敢、自信、努力不懈的精神,同时也要注重培养自己的才华,为未来的成功打下坚实的基础。

1 我的偶像是Taylor Swift。2 因为她既有出色的音乐才华又有亲和力,她的音乐鼓舞了我的内心,她的人生故事也让我受益匪浅。3 作为一个偶像,Taylor Swift展现了勇气和自信,她坚持自己的信念,向世界展示真正的自我。这启示我们要相信自己,勇敢面对生活中的困难,追求自己的梦想。

1 我的偶像是很重要的2 因为偶像可以给我们带来启示和鼓励,让我们更努力和自信3 我的偶像是一位优秀的科学家,他/她对科学充满热情,勇于探索未知的领域,同时也关心社会和环境问题是我学习的榜样。

1 我的偶像是我的妈妈2 因为她是一个聪明、勤劳、慈爱、包容的人,她总是尽力让我们生活得更好,也是我人生中最最重要,要优先集中精力的导师和支持者。3 我期望有一天我也可以成为像妈妈一样伟大的人。




The superstar in my heart is Kobe Bryant. He is one of the best basketball players in NBA. Recently, in 2009 NBA ALL STAR, he and O’neal both became the “MVP”. I think he is the best basketball player in NBA. He is also very handsome. I like Kobe’s basketball style, and I also learn a lot of basketball skills from Kobe. It may help me with my basketball skills more wonderful . Kobe, my superstar.

Jay Chou is the superstar in my heart. It is because he is a clever man who can not only sing but also create the songs. His voice sounds beautiful enough for me to relax my body. I can learn a lot things from him. For example, I should get along with my parents like him. It is important to be a good son. So I love Jay Chou.

Avril Lavigne is the superstar in my heart. She’ one of the most popular singers in the world. I’m just a person who likes her very much. I first saw her on TV while she was singing. Her voice deeply attracted me. From the internet I know that She went to America from Canada by herself at sixteen. No sooner, she became a famous singer .I learn that nothing is impossible if you have a great dream from her story.

In my heart, I always think that my mum is my superstar.Although she is not very beautiful, I still love her very much.I learn a lot of things from her.She often sitted behind me when I was doing my homework.She collectes me from school everyday.While she got angry with me ,I kne w that I made mum sad.I love her because she is my only star.I always try my best to make her happy.It’s my job.I believe it!

Kobe is the superstar in my heart. Kobe is a basketball player in NBA. L think he is one of the greatest basketball players in the world. He is a leader in Lakers. Lakers is the best team in NBA. Kobe plays basketball hard all the time in order to win the matches. L can learn his hard-working and his helpful. L love Kobe forever.

David Beckham is the superstar in my heart. He is thirty-four now. He is a gentleman who was born in London. Almost everyone in Britain knows him. He is a football player who plays football in England. Although he is famous, he is still hard-working . He is famous for his beautiful wife and football skills. But he is never proud of these. He works as hard as other football players. This is the reason I love him. I think I should learn this spirit from him,and be hard-woring at anytime.


My Idol Cai xukun

As you know , there's some famous words " Singing ,dancing ,rapping and basketball." My favorite idol is Cai xukun.



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