


M: hi, Dan, what are u doing?

D: I am playing war craft.

M: Where is Tommy?


M:What? Whats the matter?

D: Dont u see? He is still sleeping.

M: My goodness! I cant believe this!It s almost nine. He got to get upnow. Dont u remember we arerequired to make up a three peopledialogue for tomorrows oral class?

D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and Iwill play one more round of war craft.

M: Youd better stop playing right now.We dont have much time to preparethis dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wakeup! Time to wake up!


A:Hey, the lunch time is coming. Arent you feel hungry?

B、C:Yes, but we have no idea for lunch. What can we eat at that time?

A:I heard the dinning hall opened a hamburger shop, and it also provide the cocacola.

B:Whats the taste like?

A: There are many flavors, and also its salad sause is very delicious.

B: I will try it.

C: I prefer my beef noodle. Yeah, the Christmas is coming. The dinning hall provides the teddy bears for everyone.

A,B:Wait for me!!!

Mr. Lee: We’ll get Miss Lewis’ opinion on this, I thinkJones先生: Lewis小姐„„我听说过那个名字。哦是的。听说她是公司的大功臣之一。每一个人都对她优秀的表现赞不绝口,她擅长于激励„„

  Mr. Lee: Uh, Mike … speak of the devil… the famous Miss Lewis is standing right behind you. Mary, let me introduce our new Accounting Manager, Mike Jones. Mike, this is Mary Lewis. Lee先生: Mike„„说曹操曹操就到,赫赫有名的Lewis小姐就站在你的身后。Mary,请允许我向你讲解我们新财务经理Mike Jones。Mike,这位是Mary Lewis。

  Mr. Jones: So you’re the famous Miss Lewis! So nice to meet you at last! I’ve heard so much about you.

  Jones先生: 你就是那位Lewis小姐!终于见到你,十分高兴!我经常听人提起你。 Miss Lewis: All good, I hope. It’s nice to meet you, too.

  Lewis小姐: 期望都是说我的好处。很高兴认识你!

  Mr. Jones: Yes, I assure you, it was all good. What do you do in Human Resources?

  Jones先生: 我向你保证都是好事情。你在人力资源部做什么工作?

  Miss Lewis: I’m the General Manager of Human Resources. I took over from Jim when he stepped down a few years ago. And how long have you been in the Accounting Department? Lewis小姐: 我是人力资源部的总经理。几年前Jim离职后我就接替了他总经理的职位。你在财务部有多久了?

  Mr. Jones: Just started, I’m afraid. But I hope to see more of you in the future. It was so nice to finally meet you.

  Jones先生: 我刚来。期望以后多见上一面。能认识你,真的很高兴。





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