


有关这个问题,Person 1:

1. Hi, how are you?

2. Im good, thanks. How about you?

3. Im doing great, thanks.

4. What have you been up to lately?

5. Not much, just been working a lot.

6. That sounds busy. What do you do for work?

7. I work in marketing for a tech company.

8. Oh, thats interesting. What kind of tech?

9. We specialize in software development for businesses.

10. That sounds like a great field to be in right now.

Person 2:

1. Hey guys, whats up?

2. Not much, just chatting with each other.

3. Thats cool. What are you guys talking about?

4. We were just discussing work and careers.

5. Oh, I see. What do you do for work?

6. Im a teacher at a high school.

7. Nice, what subject do you teach?

8. I teach English and literature.

9. Thats awesome. I always loved English in school.

10. Thanks, its definitely a rewarding job.

Person 3:

1. Hey everyone, hows it going?

2. Great, thanks for asking. How about you?

3. Good, good. Just got back from a workout.

4. Oh, nice. What kind of workout did you do?

5. I went for a run and did some weightlifting.

6. That sounds intense. Do you work out regularly?

7. Yeah, I usually try to go to the gym a few times a week.

8. Thats impressive. I need to get back into a workout routine.

9. It definitely helps me feel more energized and focused.

10. Yeah, I can imagine. Maybe Ill join you for a workout sometime.

A: How are you B : Im fine

C: I am also

B:A,how about you and your boyfriend

A: just so so

C: B, What is an ideal girlfriend or boy friend for you?

B: My boyfriend must be sincere for me , and be seriously

C: and you ? A

A: My boyfriend must be tall and handsome , and Love me very much

B: I think more important is the quality of the boyfriend

C: I agree with you, My boyfriend is frank and don’t lie

A: That’s great , an honest man is very attractive

C: More importantly, how to get along between the boyfriend and girlfriend

B: Yeah , What kind of relationship do you expect between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend?

A: I consider tolerance and understanding is the most important

C: I think so. boyfriend or girlfriend are often quarreled,so the tolerance and understanding is the most important

B: That is right . My idea is that boyfriend will tease the girl happy

A: oh. My view is that girl have to pay more attention to her boyfriend

C: Todays chat is very happy B: yeah. wish you and your boyfriend

A: Same blessings to you

B: Thank you A: You are welcome

C: Goodbye A: see you B: Bye


Old Farmer Johnson was dying.The family was standing around his bed.With a low voice he said to his wife:When Im dead I want you to marry farmer Jones.

Wife:No,I cant marry anyone after you.

Johnson:But I want you to.

Wife:But why?

Johnson:Jones once cheated me in a horse deal!








事实上在最高级的句子中,表示范围,大多数情况下应该用of us three。比如She is the youngest of us three. 她是我们三人中最年轻的。the three of us有歧义 ,因为也可理解为“我们中的那三个人”


A:hello,nice to meet you,my name is Xiaohua.I'm from Guangzhou.

B:how are you,nice to meet you,my name is Jane. I'm form Shanghai.

C:nice to meet you,too.my name is Peter.I'm form Hangzhou.

A:I 'm glad to share the dorm with you.I would like to invite you to have lunch. B:thank you!it's been marvelous. it really was very kind of you to invite me.

C:I'd love to.thanks.

A:let's go,we will enjoy ourselves.


A:Welcome to our Sunday TV show. As usual, let me introduce myself first. I am Kevin. And my favorite TV stat is Kevin. It’s me. I am only joking. Now, let’s begin our TV show. Today we will talk about people’s entertainment. John, what kind of movies do you like?

B:Well, I like comedies best. And my favorite comedy is Mr. Bean. Rowan Atkinson is my favorite movie star.

A: How about you, C?

C: I like science fiction movies best. I think science is very useful. A: I like science fiction movies too. Do you like it, D?

D: En, I prefer cartoons. They are very funny.

A: Cartoons are also very good. Now the second question is, what’s your favorite book?

B: I like novels very much. And Chales Dickens is my favorite author. His ‘ Oliver Twist’ is my favorite book.

A: You, C?

C: Poetry is my favorite. Shelley is my favorite poem. A: Shelley is a romantic poem. D, What’s your favorite?

D: I like biographies. I know many famous people from reading biographies.

A: At last, What’s your favorite sport?

B: Tennis. I can play it well. And Roger Federer is my favorite athlete. He is a great athlete. He has got many champion.

C: I am a volleyball fan. Playing volleyball is my hobby.

D: I like volleyball, too. Shall we have a march later, C?

C: That’s great. I think it will be exciting.

A: That’s the end of our special TV show for today. Goodbye! Have a nice day!



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