


Dear all,

Today is a special day, a day to celebrate and honor the most important person in our lives - our mothers. Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms out there!

As we take a moment to reflect on the role of mothers in our lives, its hard not to be overwhelmed by the immense love, care, and sacrifices that they make for us every day. From the moment we are born, our mothers are there to guide us, support us, and love us unconditionally. They are the ones who stay up all night when we are sick, who pick us up when we fall, and who cheer us on when we succeed.

But being a mother is not an easy job. It comes with its own set of challenges, sacrifices, and struggles. It requires patience, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of their children. And yet, despite all the hardships, our mothers never give up on us. They are always there to provide a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, and a warm embrace.

So today, let us take a moment to say thank you to our mothers for all that they do. Thank you for your love, your guidance, and your sacrifices. Thank you for being our biggest supporters, our confidants, and our best friends. Thank you for teaching us the values of kindness, compassion, and empathy.

On this Mothers Day, let us celebrate the incredible women who have shaped our lives and made us who we are today. Let us honor their strength, their courage, and their unwavering love. And let us never forget the impact that they have had on our lives and on the world around us.

Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing moms out there. You are appreciated, loved, and cherished more than words can express.

Thank you.


Happy Mothers Day! It is a day to celebrate and honor all the amazing mothers around the world. Thank you for your unconditional love and support.


The mther line,wandering clthing leaving thick seam,Italy t the fear f delay wh grass-inch heart,reprted in the apartments? The famus Tang Dynasty pet Meng Jia's several lines,lively and vivid expressin f the mther's deep affectin and gratitude t their mther。 Mther lve is great,the lve f my mther 's meticulus mther nt nly in the everywhere in the life care,ften inquire after sb。's life,still learning encuragement,be gd at giving systematic guidance mther usually tells me,great and li

Mother’s Day is coming, and I even want to say, “My mum is the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Today is Mother’s Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that.


1.All the worlds other are false and empty, only the mother is really, eternal, not quenched.(世界上一切其他都是假的,空的,只有母亲才是真的,永恒的,不灭的。)

  2.Mother of memories! The most beloved lover , you are all my joy, all the feelings.(记忆中的母亲啊!最心爱的恋人,您是我全部的欢乐,全部的情谊。)

  3.Mother and son of love is the worlds most sacred emotion.(母子之情是世界上最神圣的情感。)

  4 Begin, children, begin to get to know your mother with a smile!(启动吧,孩子,启动用微笑去认识你的母亲吧! -古罗马)

  5.Mothers heart as early as when i was pregnant with the baby intertwined.(慈母的心灵早在怀孕时就同婴儿交织在一起了。)



Mothers love is a deep and selfless love. It not only brings us into this world, but nourishes and supports us throughout through life. It is not a sudden impulse, but a constant and enduring gift of patience.

Paper Boats-to Mother《纸船-寄母亲》

Never willing to waste a sheet of paper,我从不肯妄弃一张纸,I save and save总是留着-留着Then fold them into small, small boats叠成一只只很小的船儿,And throw them into the sea from my ship.从舟上抛下在海里。 Some are blown back into the portholes,有的被天风吹卷到舟中的窗里,Others are stuck on the stern, soaked by waves,有的被海浪打湿,沾在船头上。And I, undiscouraged, keep on folding and hoping我仍是不灰心的每天叠着,That one will finally reach its destination.总期望有一只可以流到我要它到的地方去。O Mother, if you ever see a tiny white sail in your dream,母亲,如果你梦中看见一只很小的白船儿,Dont be startled by its unexpected presence for不要惊讶它无端入梦。It was folded by your loving daughter to carry homeward这是你至爱的女儿含着泪叠的,万水千山,Across the sea and mountains her love and sorrow.求它载着她的爱和悲哀归去。


母亲节是一个词组,由两个单词合成而成。在英文中,母亲节的翻译是Mothers Day。这个节日是为了庆祝母亲的爱和付出而设立的。它起源自于美国,在每一年的5月的第二个星期日庆祝。大家一般会送礼物、献花等方法来表达对母亲的感激之情。母亲节也是全球范围内的节日,虽说不一样的国家的庆祝日期和方法带来一定不一样,但都表达了同样的祝福和感谢。母亲节是一个重要的节日,让我们一起为母亲送上最真挚的祝福。



Mothers Day是一个有固定短语格式的词组,但实质上也还是是一个词语,因为它代表一个独立的概念。




因为母亲节用英语是Mothers Day是有Mothers和Day两个单词组成的复合词组


母亲节在英文里是词组。1.因为“母亲节”在英文中是Mothers Day,由多个单词构成,因为这个原因可以当成是一个词组并不是一个独自的词语。2.词组是由独立的单词组成的,有固定的语序和语义,并在一定场合下使用,因为这个原因可以判断母亲节在英文中是词组。



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