a person i want to be英语作文? Here is a sample essay on the topic A Person I Want to Be: A Person I Want to BeThere are many people I admire and respect in my life, but if I have to pick one person who I want to be like, it would be my grand...
Here is a sample essay on the topic A Person I Want to Be:
A Person I Want to BeThere are many people I admire and respect in my life, but if I have to pick one person who I want to be like,
it would be my grandmother. She is an amazing person and has always been my role model since childhood. I would describe her as a kind-hearted,
determined and generous person who has lived her life to the fullest.Firstly, my grandmother is a very kind-hearted person. She always puts others before herself and is always willing to lend an ear to those in need. She has taught me the value of empathy, compassion,
and how small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someones life. Watching her help others without expecting anything in return has instilled in me the importance of being selfless.Secondly, my grandmother is a determined person. Despite facing many hardships in her life, she never gave up and always had a positive outlook. She taught me that resilience is crucial,
especially when things get tough. Her unwavering determination and strong work ethic is something that I greatly admire and hope to emulate in my life.Lastly, my grandmother is a generous person. She firmly believes in sharing what she has with others. She would often donate her time and resources to help those in need.
She has shown me that giving back to the community is essential as it not only helps the less fortunate but also brings joy and happiness to oneself.In conclusion, my grandmother is a remarkable person who has shown me the true meaning of kindness, determination, and generosity.
I aspire to be like her in my daily life, as I believe that these qualities are important in shaping the person that I want to be.
Determined and compassionate.因为决心决定了一个人的成功,而同情心则反映了一个人的人性,这两者结合起来,可以成为一个令人尊敬的人。作为一个有决心的人,你可能需面对不少挑战和困难,但是,你会坚定不移地朝着自己的目标前进,永不气馁。作为一个有同情心的人,你会关心他人,帮他们,这样你会取得更多的信任和支持,也会感到更有成就感。在现代社会,这样的人是很需和受欢迎的,他们可以影响他人,推动社会的蓬勃发展和进步进步。
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a person i want to be英语作文? Here is a sample essay on the topic A Person I Want to Be: A Person I Want to BeThere are many people I admire and respect in my life, but if I have to pick one person who I want to be like, it would be my grand...
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