


It is widely acknowledged that globalization is an irresistible flow which has swept the globe, especially developing countries like China. And obviously, the development of China is a history of “Westernization”。

The question is does the advantages globalization brings to China outweigh its disadvantages, or just the opposite?

In terms of economy and trade, there is no doubt that we gained more than lost. After acquiring a membership in WTO, China has been transforming from the world shop which is distinguished for its cheap labor and abundant natural resources to independent economic system plays by the international role. More people began to utilize their intelligence and creativity to produce high-tech products that is not only “Made in China” but also “Invented in China”。 We have to admit that globalization has opened a window for China, making it possible for China to step on the international stage.

However, every coin has two sides. So does globalization have negative impact in China, especially Chinese traditional culture. As KFC and Macdonald's came, less young people know how to make a Zongzi on Dragon Boat Day; as western fashion and super models came, they lost in luxurious heaven, drowning in the vast sea of fashion magazines, ignore Chinese classics.

In conclusion, it is wise for China to treat globalization cautiously.


《My day》《My mother》 等等等等

英语作文 主题?

worse and worse today. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution.

Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more beautiful.


以名片为主题的英语作文:“Business card as the theme”


Papermaking is one of Chinas four great inventions of human civilization in the history of a remarkable invention. China is the worlds first silkworm silk weaving countries.

  For more than the ancients such as cocoon snag silk fabric, the remaining evil cocoon, cocoon and other diseases is to use floating floc Preparation of silk floss. Drift Xu completed, strips gallery will be some residue left over from cotton wadding. When the number of floating floc more, bamboo gallery residual floc accumulates into a thin layer of fibers, after drying, after stripping down, can be used for writing.

  The by-product of this floating floc small number, in the ancient books on the call He Di, or side with cotton wadding.








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