关于悬崖村的英语作文,悬崖村 英文

关于悬崖村的英语作文,悬崖村 英文
本文主要针对关于悬崖村的英语作文,悬崖村 英文和关于彝族的英语作文等几个问题进行详细讲解,大家可以通过阅读这篇文章对关于悬崖村的英语作文有一个初步认识,对于今年数据还未公布且时效性较强或政策频繁变动的内容,也可以通过阅览本文做一个参考了解,希望本篇文章能对你有所帮助。


A public outcry over photos of young school children clambering up a sheer 800-meter cliff face on rickety wooden ladders, the only way they can get from their village homes to school, has prompted swift action from local authorities.


Atuleer, home to people from the Yi ethnic group in the southwest of Sichuan Province, has no road connection and the residents depend on subsistence farming of potatoes, walnuts and chili peppers.


While many urban residents have expressed shock and disbelief that there are still people struggling for a basic living and education in the world's second-largest economy, experts said that there is still a long way to go to lift those left behind by China's modernization out of poverty.


A work team of 50 from Zhaojue county's transport, education and environment departments arrived in Atuleer to look into the situation after photos of the children's struggle caught the nation's attention in the past two days, The Beijing News reported.


Lin Shucheng, Party secretary of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, said that authorities would build a set of steel stairs as a temporary solution to ensure the security of the village residents, while more permanent solutions were sought, the report said.


Home to 72 families, the only way residents can reach the outside world is to risk the climb down a series of 17 ladders made from tree branches and vines precariously fixed to the cliff, The Beijing News reported. The village children, aged from 6 to 15, board at their school and are only able to return home twice a month, when their parents take turns escorting them up and down the mountain.


Yu Shaoxiang, an expert on social security and poverty relief legislation at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the Global Times that the news went viral because it shows the sharp contrast between the relatively comfortable lives of China's urban majority, and the harsh life in villages like these.


"It warned the public that even though some people have a good life, China is still in the initial stages of socialism and so development is uneven," said Hu Xingdou, a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology and expert on China's social problems.


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