


七年级上册英语书Unit 1主要内容涵盖单词 1.重点单词name, his her, she, he, you, your,

phone number,first name,last name,

2.重点句型Whats your/his/her name?

What s your /his /her first/last name?

What is your/his/her phone number?

Are you Jack?


七年级上册unit1 主要学习了形容词性物主代词

我的my你的your,我们的是 ou男他的是his,女她的是her

Its它的牢牢的记在心里,不能忘了着,他们的 their指复数形容词性物主代词,句法功能作定语。



1. and conj.和,又

【考点】 and so on等等: I learn Chinese,math, English and so on.我学习语文、数学、英语等等。both.and既.又.. The film is both int eresting and instructive.这部电影既有趣又有教育意义。 eight num.

【引申】 eighteen十八; eighty八十。

3. first adj.和adv.第一,最初,最先n.最初,当初

【考点】 at first sight一见之下,看来: At first sight the problem se emed easy.这问题乍给人的印象比较容易。 First of all T第一,第一: First of all I must check the number.第一我一定要检那号码。 From first to last从头到尾。 at first起初,启动时。

【引申】同义词: earliest, highes, leading;反义词: final,last。 The Fir st Lady总统夫人; first name名字(与姓相对); first-aid急救的f

Irst cost(商)最初成本。

4. five num.五【引申】 fivefold ad,五倍的; five pence五便士。

5. four num.四

6. her pron.她的(是she的宾格和全部格)

7. his pron.他的(he的全部格,him是he的宾格)

8. last adj.和adv.最后的(地),最近刚刚过去的

v.继续,维持: How long will the fine weather last?这好天气会持续多久?


【考点】 last but not the least最后的但非最不重要的。 at last最后,终于: At last, we reached London.我们终于到达伦敦。 to the last至终,究竟: faithful to the last自始至终实。

引申】同义词: adj. closing, final, latest adv. after, behind;反义词:f irst, lasting peace持久的和平; last name姓



【考点】 to meet sb.(orsh.)碰见某人/某事: Nice to meet you.初次见上一面时的客套话,不是初次见上一面时则用see。

【引申】met也可以用作名词,译为:会,集会: sports meet运动会。

10. nine num.九

11. number n.(1)数,数字;(2)(数目)非常多,不少

【考点】 a number of一部分,不少(后接可数名词复数): A number o f students took part in the sports meet.不少学生参与了运动会。 the num ber of.的数量: The number of boys in my class is fifteen.我们班有


1. Unit 1:Hello, Im Cindy.

2. Unit 2:Wheres the Science Museum?

3. Unit 3:What would you like?

4. Unit 4:I want to be a dancer.

5. Unit 5:Do you want to watch a game show?

6. Unit 6:Im more outgoing than my sister.

7. Unit 7:Would you mind turning down the music?

8. Unit 8:Why do you like pandas?

9. Unit 9:What does he look like?

10. Unit 10:Id like some noodles.

Unit1 My name’s Gina.(讲解自己,问候他人,手机号)

Unit2 This is my sister. (讲解家人,人称代词,指示代词)

Unit3 Is this your pencil? (谈论全部格,名物代形物代,大多数情况下疑问句及回答)

Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag? (谈论地址位置,介词)

Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?(大多数情况下疑问句及回答,三单)

Unit6 Do you like bananas? (大多数情况下疑问句及回答,三单,名词)

Unit7 How much are these socks? (购物,谈论价格服饰)

Unit8 When is your birthday? (谈论日期,月份,数词,介词)



1. Unit 1: Hello!

2. Unit 2: Wheres the post office?

3. Unit 3: Is this your pencil?

4. Unit 4: What time is it?

5. Unit 5: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

6. Unit 6: Whats this in English?

7. Unit 7: My birthday.

8. Unit 8: My family.

9. Unit 9: What does he look like?

10. Unit 10: How much are these socks?

11. Unit 11: What are you going to do this weekend?

12. Review Test.



预备篇第一单元是问候Starter Unit One Good morning! 马上是Starter Unit Two What s this in English? Starter Unit Three What color is it?正式篇Unit One My name is Gina. Unit 2 This is my sister.


Initial Units

1.1 Understanding spoken English: Listening Comprehension

1.2 Understanding written English: Reading Comprehension

Personal Development

2.1 Language Development: Grammar

2.2 Language Development: Vocabulary

2.3 Understanding and Applying English: Writing

2.4 Understanding and Applying English: Speaking

Social Life (Language use)

3.1 Language use in Community Interaction

3.2 Language use in the Workplace

3.3 Language use in Media, Literature, and Culture

3.4 Language use in Science and Technology

Academic English (Academic Writing)

4.1 Writing for different purposes (Argumentative, Narrative, and Persuasive)

4.2 Using academic English (Academic Language and Vocabulary)

4.3 Writing for different disciplines (English, Math, Science, and Social Science)

4.4 Using academic English in research writing: Citing and Referencing

English for Special Purposes (Travel and Tourism, Health Care, Environment, and others)

5.1 Language use in practical situations (Travel and Tourism, Health Care, and the Environment)

5.2 English for different professions (Tourism, Nursing, Environmental Conservation)

5.3 General English skills for special purposes

5.4 Language use in a business context

English for Specific Purposes (International Communication, and others)

6.1 Academic English and general English skills for international communication

6.2 Language use in business contexts, including trade, negotiation, management, and leadership

6.3 English for academic research and writing: Research, Writing, Reading and Conference Presentation

6.4 English for academic research and writing: Writing, Reading and Presentation

English as a Global Language (EAGL)

7.1 Understanding the history and function of English as a global language

7.2 Understanding and using English as a global language (intercultural communication, globalization, and the internet)

7.3 Understanding the structure and function of English as a global language (English and other global languages, English and cultural diversity)

7.4 Evaluating and using English as a global language (Standard and non-standard varieties, English as a language of international communication)

初中英语课自己教版,七年级上册有三个预备单元和九个正式单元,七年级下册12个单元。八年级上下册都是10 个单元。九年级就一本书,共14 个单元。整体来说,人教版的排版和内容具体安排还是比较合理的,而且,文章的选择也不错,能结合实质上,跟得上目前时代的步伐。



初一年级上册英语书有人教版 、苏教版,还有北师大版的








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