



When walking in a certain fast fashion clothing store, I felt a certain lack of comfort. As I made my way through the racks, I saw a pair of pants that were made of 百分之100 cashmere. I felt a twinge of envy, but then I remembered that even celebrities who sported these pants always claimed they were either doing so on vacation or saving them for their red carpets appearance, so I chuckled and finished dressing quickly. As I made my way out, I saw the same cashmere pants on a mannequin in the next rack. I felt even luckier and quickly pulled out a credit card to buy both.

One day, a group of us were walking down the street when we saw a sign that read Free Wi-Fi. We were all excited and quickly got into the nearest building, only to find that the Wi-Fi was just an ad for an $80 wifi password. We were all too shy to go back and ask for another password, so we stood there, with our mouths wide open, for what seemed like an eternity.

I once visited Japan and was chatting with a local on the street. We were both walking and he suddenly let out a loud fart. I was so embarrassed that I quickly apologized and offered to buy him a new one. He replied, No problem, I just took a dump in my pants and my new pants are all full of it.

One evening, while walking down the street with my dog, I saw a group of young girls standing next to a big wall that said I love China. One of them was even giving the Chinese characters on the wall a kiss! I couldnt help but feel that these girls were being too forward, but then I realized that maybe they were just testing the Chinese walls temperature.

I once worked in an office where the secretary had a habit of making inappropriate comments during meetings. One day, during a particularly awkward silence, she commented on how awkward it was for everyone to listen to her talk. I knew she was joking, but I also knew that some people might take it seriously, so I stood up and said, Hey, I think we can all agree that were here to work together, not to listen to her awkwardl



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