


◆不一样语境中的爱情有不一样的措词: 男女间的爱情用:love 热烈的爱情 fervent love; 甜蜜的爱情 sweet affection; 伪装的爱情 spurious affection 永恒的爱情 an undying affection; 庸俗的爱情 vulgar affection; 转瞬即逝的爱情 fleeting love;




1. Love is a journey that starts with two hearts beating as one.

2. Life is incomplete without the one you love by your side.

3. Letting go of fear, embracing love, and all things will fall into place.

4. Loving you is like breathing - its effortless, natural, and necessary.

5. Laughter, long walks, and lazy afternoons - thats what love is made of.

6. Listen to your heart, it knows the way to love and happiness.

7. Losing myself in your eyes, finding my soul in your embrace - thats what love means.

8. Love is patient, love is kind, it never fails and its always on my mind.

9. Life may be full of ups and downs, but loving you makes it all worth it.

10. Loving you makes me complete, and I promise to always cherish and protect our love.

Loyalty Yields Love- 忠诚的心最后赢得爱情。

Love You Lavishly - 毫无节制地爱你。



1. love由四个单词组成。2. 这四个单词分别是L、O、V、E,它们组合在一起形成了love这个单词。3. 应该拿出来说一下的是,love是英语中最经常会用到的词汇之一,它代表着爱、热情、关怀等情感。在生活中,我们可以用love来表达对家人、朋友、爱人等人的感情。

看似简单四个字母含义却不简单四个字母分别代表着四个英文单词: L代表Listen(倾听)



E代表Excuse(宽恕) 是的爱就是这样,就是要无条件无偏见地倾听对方的需求,就是持续性地感恩与慰问,付出更多的爱,就是展现你的尊重,真诚的鼓励;就是仁慈地对待,宽恕对方的缺点与错误,维持优点与长处。


  Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate

  ourselves on leaving hi m/her.

  During those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort



  It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it

  is not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing you.

  You had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness.

  Recalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy? When your wrong love

  stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you.

  All sadness will become history.


  For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality. The same with meeting, also with separation.

  We thought we would have a deep love toward somebody. Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow, very shallow.

  The most deep and heaviest love must grow up with days.


  With love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed.

  However, this two similar people,

  While breaking up, say,

  “I think you are more and more strange to me”

  It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.

  Love is such kind of game which makes two strangers become lovers, then return them into the original situa

  I believe, love can change you,

  Which is the advantage of youth as well as its sorrow.

  What has men changed perhaps comes from God’s love or the mercy of Budda, but they are never changed by women.

  The prodigal are the most unsuitable person for getting married,

  meanwhile, the most suitable one for marriage as well.

  It is not women who change the prodigal, she just appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed.


love的意思是喜欢、喜爱和热爱的意思,可以作为动词和名词使用,词汇分析请看下方具体内容: love 英 [lʌv] 美 [lʌv] vt. vi.喜欢;爱,热爱;爱戴;赞美,称赞 vt.喜欢;喜爱;喜好;爱慕 n.热爱;爱情,爱意;疼爱;爱人,所爱之物。




n. 爱;爱情;喜好;(昵称)亲爱的;爱你的;心爱的人;钟爱之物;零分

v. 爱恋(某人);关爱;喜欢(某物或某事);忠于

I love music and dancing .


So what makes it love ?


Do you still love me ?


The recipients love this system .


This is the first love of his life .



I will always leave you the place that belongs to you. Its your business whether you come back or not. Its my business to wait for you.我会一直把属于你的地方留给你.你回不回来是你的事,等不等你是我的事.

You are my today and all of Tomorrows.你是我的今天和全部的明天。

Only if you asked to see me, our meeting would be meaningful.唯有你想见我时,我们的相遇才有意义。

Life for what you like.为自己喜欢的一切而活

Its a singer, nice to meet you.都是风景,幸会

I play love you for a long time and love of giving up on you.我打算爱你很久很久 没有想要放弃的念头

See you. I feel more less adapted the world.“你向我靠近,我为你而来”

I love you

and you

–Do you love me?

-Of course!

-How much do you love me?

-You can go to look at the moon in the sky!



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   ">L开头的英文短句爱情       ">l开头的爱情英文句子       ">love英语作文关于爱情       ">爱情用英文怎么表示   
