


《I remembered that is wonderful as soon as flickers》我记得看到你最美妙的那一瞬

I remembered that is wonderful as soon as flickers:Appeared you in mine front,some like appears briefly fantasy,has like the chaste American angel.


In that hopeless sad suffering,make noise in that in ostentatious life puzzle, nearby my ear for a long time is making a sound your gentlesound,I also see your lovable beautiful figure in the sleep.


Many years have passed by, storm smile.has scattered the former days dream,there upon I have put behind your gentle sound, also has your that angel resembles the beautiful figure.


In the remote place, in the gloomy life which imprisons, my day such calmly dissipates, the insincere person, does not have the poem the inspiration, without the tear, does not have the life, also does not have the love.


Now the mind starts to regain consciousness:By now has reappeared in front of me you, has illusory image which like appears briefly, has like the chaste American angel.


My heart in is wild with joy jumps, in heart all reregain consciousness, had the sincere person, had the poem inspiration,had the life, had the tear, also had the love.



If you want to keep positive

If you hate being negative

Just come down to my dream

And come down with a smile

It is my own world

I will show you the method

To be happy and positive

And say goodbye to negative

There has everything

Has all the happy thing

You just need to enjoy

And leave with a smile

Although you arent here

With no my dreams there

Dont forget to smile

And never lose smile

1、The Swing 秋千

How do you like to go up in a swing, 你喜欢荡一趟秋千,

Up in the air so blue? 置身于蓝蓝的晴空吗?

Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing ,我觉得这是小孩所能做到的

Ever a child can do. 最愉快的玩耍。

Up in the air and over the wall, 越过墙外高踞天空,

Till I can see so wide, 直到我能望见如此各位的世界,

River and trees and cattle and all 河流、树木、牛群,

Over the countryside- 还有整个的乡村。

Till I look down on the garden green 直到我俯瞰着翠绿的花园

Down on the roof so brown- 还有棕色的屋顶

Up in the air I go flying again 我又飞上天去,

Up in the air and down! 在天地间上下穿梭!



发布于:博宇考试网(https://bbs.china-share.com)>>> 英语四级栏目





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