


last summer vacation, my parents and I traveled to five cities in East China.

  The first stop we reached by train was Nanjing. It was very hot that day. We first came to Zhongshan Mausoleum and saw many steps. There were many dense trees on both sides of the steps. They looked very beautiful. Walking up the steps, there were 392 steps in total. I felt very tired, but my heart was very happy because I could see Dr. Sun Yat Sens tomb soon.

  At last, we reached the top of the mountain. We first visited the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, and then reached the top. We saw many pictures and words about Dr. Sun Yat Sen. After reading it, I was reluctant to leave Zhongshan Mausoleum.

  Later, my mother took me to visit the presidential palace. I had a great time there. I had an unforgettable day.

I spent my last summer vacation in a very meaningful way. First, I visited some historical sites such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. While appreciating the beauty of these ancient structures, I also learned about the history and culture of China.

Besides that, I also participated in various outdoor activities such as camping, hiking and swimming. I found it very relaxing and refreshing to be surrounded by nature and to challenge myself physically.

But what really made my summer special was volunteering at a local orphanage. I spent a week there, helping with daily chores and playing with the children. The experience reminded me of the importance of giving back to the community, and I felt a sense of satisfaction from making a difference in someones life.

Overall, my last summer vacation was a great mix of learning, adventure and giving back. Ill always remember the memories and experiences that I gained from it.


I went to the farm with my parents last Summer Vacation. I fed the chickens. My mother picked up the apples. My father rode a horse. How happy We were!



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