



My dream job

Everyone has a dream, but for me,becoming a lawyer might seem like a dream job.Because the job can help people when they have difficulies or trouble and I can try my best to make the world fair .I think it will be exciting!

If I become a lawyer,I will be able to make a living by doing something I love,and I can make money for my parents.

No one can perdict the future, so I must work hard from now on in order to realise my dream in the near future.

My dream job

I have a dream from childhood. I want to be a journalist when I grow up. A journalist can do a lot of things. I prefer to go out rather than stay beside the desk. As a journalist, I can often go out to do interview or search news.

In a word, if I am a journalist, I can usually go out for work. This is what I want. Secondly, I want to stand in the first line of the world, and not want to be out. Journalist is the bridge to collect news. This is a good way fit for my interest. Thirdly, I want to be useful for the society. I think making a variety of news well-known to all common people is kind of a useful person. At least, being a journalist, I would not be a useless person. Last but least, I want to help people. As a journalist, I can reveal some people’s difficulty to appeal the help of people from all walks of life.

For example, if I report the difficulty of a poor family, it may cause the attention from other people and then automatically donate to them. In general, to be a journalist is very proud for me. I will try my best to reach my dream.



发布于:博宇考试网(https://bbs.china-share.com)>>> 英语四级栏目





   ">我梦想的工作(写一篇英语作文)英语作文:       ">我梦想的工作英语作文范文       ">理想工作英语作文       ">我梦想的工作(写一篇英语作文)   


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