


经常会用到表达法 第五单元 Are these yours? 这(双鞋)是你的吗? No, they arent. 不,不是。

Theyre Chen Jies. 它们是陈杰的。

Is this Johns? 这是约翰的吗? No, it isnt. Its Mikes. 不是。它是迈克的。

Whose coat is this? 这是谁的外套? Its mine. 它是我的。

Whose pants are those? 那条裤子是谁的? They are your fathers. 它们是你爸爸的。

回答请看下方具体内容:1. How are you? - 你好吗?

2. Whats your name? - 你叫什么名字?

3. Where are you from? - 你来自哪里?

4. How old are you? - 你多大了?

5. What do you like to do? - 你喜欢做什么?

6. Can you speak English? - 你会说英语吗?

7. Whats your favorite color/animal/food? - 你最喜欢的颜色/动物/食物是什么?

8. Do you have any siblings? - 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

9. What grade are you in? - 你在几年级?

10. Nice to meet you. - 很高兴认识你。

四下英语第五单元有不少经常会用到表达法。这当中涵盖 but not limited to:1. Whats the matter?(什么事?)2. Can you help me?(你能帮我吗?)3. Of course.(当然。)4. Let me see.(让我想想。)5. What about you?(你呢?)这些经常会用到表达法可以帮你更流畅地进行英语对话。



. 细节注意:注意单词的拼写和发音,不要因小失大。针对容易出错单词,可以多加练习,例如“tomorrow”、“village”等。

2. 词汇累积:仔细累积单元中的单词,掌握并熟悉其基本意思和用法,还可以借助词汇表或单词卡片进行学习和夯实。

3. 多维训练:采取各种方法进行训练,涵盖听、说、读、写等。可以通过听音、跟读、模仿、朗读等方法加强记忆和理解。

4. 梳理结构:单词的使用和结构与语法紧密有关,针对一部分易混淆的单词,可以从语法的视角出发,例如“live”和“life”、“watch”和“clock”等。

5. 拓展应用:将单元中的单词运用到实质上语境中,涵盖口头和书面表达。可以通过写作、对话等方法进行拓展应用,夯实并扩展单词的应用能力。

您好,1. 将单词根据音节划分,逐个默写,注意发音准确。

2. 利用图片或联想记忆,将单词和对应的图像或意象联系起来,以便更好地记忆。

3. 分类记忆,将单词根据主题或类别进行分类,比如动物、食物、颜色等,以便更好地记忆和理解。

4. 利用单词卡片或单词表格进行记忆,反复练习默写,提高记忆效果。

5. 利用听力练习,听读正确的单词,并渐渐提高速度,提升默写速度和准确度。


你好,1. Whats your hobby?

2. I like playing soccer.

3. Do you like playing computer games?

4. Yes, I do.

5. No, I dont.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

7. I want to be a doctor.

8. Why do you want to be a doctor?

9. Because I want to help people.

10. Thats a good ambition.



1.我们买它了。We’ll take it .

2.我买它了。I’ll take it .

3.他们不是用来销售的。They’re not for sale .

4.看那件连衣裙。Look at that dress . 它是漂亮的。It’s pretty.

5.我能帮你吗?Can I help you ? 是的。Yes .


无主语there be句式;主语从句,一个句子做主语;宾语从句,一个句子做宾语;表语从句,一个句子做表语;补语从句,一个句子做补语;定语从句,一个句子做定语;状语从句,一个句子做状语;插入语从句,一个句子做插入语成分;同位语从句,一个句子用于解释说明;it作形式主语的强调句;倒装句式。


一、利用对比的方式来帮识记。如反义词big~small,black-white,here—there, 又如音形比较any和many,too和to,write和white等等,这些方式可以有效地帮学生掌握并熟悉单词。

二、运用充分的联想, 由一个词联想到有关的词汇,构成词汇树或词汇串。例如, 由take想到短语take off ,take up,take in等主干,take off还有“起飞、脱掉、减(肥)”等意思,构成“树枝”。

三、按照单词的含义进行分类。例如由fruit就联想到各自不同的水果的名字、形状、颜色等词汇。把水果 apple,pear,peach,banana,等归成一类帮记忆。


您好,Possible English composition for Unit 5 of Grade 5:

My Weekend

Last weekend, I had a great time doing different things with my family and friends.

On Saturday morning, I went swimming with my classmates at the community pool. We splashed around, played games, and practiced our strokes. I felt refreshed and energized after the exercise.

In the afternoon, I visited my grandparents with my parents. We brought some fruits and cakes as gifts. My grandma cooked a delicious meal for us, and we chatted about our school, hobbies, and plans. I love spending time with my grandparents, who always give me wise advice and warm hugs.

In the evening, I watched a movie with my sister and my friends. We laughed and cried together, and shared some popcorn and soda. The movie was about a group of animals who went on a wild adventure, and it reminded me of the importance of teamwork and courage.

On Sunday, I went hiking with my dad and his friends. We climbed a hill and enjoyed the scenic view of the city. We also picked some wild flowers and took some photos. I felt proud of myself for conquering the challenge and bonding with my dad.

In the evening, I played board games and card games with my mom and my brother. We had some snacks and drinks, and we cheered and teased each other. I learned some new strategies and tricks, and I felt closer to my family.

Overall, I had a fun and fulfilling weekend, which helped me relax, learn, and connect with different people. I look forward to the next one.



1. have a great time 玩的愉快

2. organize v.组织

3. take away 拿走

4. clean-up 清除;打扫

5. flowern.花

6. agent n.代理人;代理商

7. around the world 在世界各地

8. make a living 谋生

9. Againstprep.反对

10. charity n.慈善团体;慈善事业

11. chancen.机会;机会和可能

12. all the time 一直

13. injured adj.受伤的;受损害的

14. sincerely adv.真诚地

15. lawyer n.律师

16. tonight n.今晚;今夜

17. mobile phone 手机号码



1. collect v.收集;搜集

2. shell n.贝壳;壳

3. Marathon n.(体育)马拉松赛跑

4. skating v.滑冰

5. pairn.一对;一双

6. skate n.溜冰鞋

7. since prep.自从;从……以来

8. raise v.筹集

9. several adj.哪些的;数个的

10. skater n.溜冰者

11. stamp n.邮票

12. kite n.风筝

13. monster n.怪物,妖怪

14. globe n.球状体;球体

15. anyonepron.任何人

16. run out of 用完;用尽

17. storev.储存

18. cake n.蛋糕;糕、饼类食品

19. particularly adv.特别;特别;异乎寻常的

20. collector n.收藏家

21. by the way 顺便;附带说说

22. common adj.共同的;公共的

23. extra adj.额外的

24. coin n.钱币;硬币

25. topic n.话题;主题

26. been v.(be的过去分词)

27. be interested in 对……感兴趣

28. writer n.作家,作者

29. capital n.省会,首都

30. European adj.欧洲的;欧洲人(的)

31. dynasty n.朝代;王朝

32. Russian adj.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人(的)

33. character n.(著名的)人物;名人

34. Australian adj.澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的n.澳大利亚人

35. Jewish adj.犹太人的;犹太族的

36. Jew n.犹太人

37. more than 比……多

38. thousand n.一千

39. emperor n.皇帝

40. foreigner n.外国人

41. quite adv.相当;十分

42. certain adj.确实的;无疑的

43. the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

44. far away 在远处

45. miss v.思念;想念



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